Thursday, June 19, 2014

Setting a Good Example

We just completed a week of Vacation Bible School at our church and what a wonderful week it was.

While the children that attend our church know me, it usually takes the visiting children a day or two to come out of their shells when they are around me.

Such was not the case this year.

Even the youngest of the visiting children seemed to feel comfortable around me and for that I am truly grateful to God.

It reminded  me of a time years ago when I watched an interview on television with a very famous athlete and a reporter asked him how he felt about being a role model.

This athlete responded by saying that he was not a role model because he was not paid to be a role model.

I disagreed with his position.

When it comes to children, every adult they encounter along the way is a role model.

The only choice adults have in the matter is whether we will be positive role models or negative ones.

There is a quote attributed to Austin L. Sorenson that goes, "Children are not likely to find a father in God unless they find something of God in their fathers."

I will not dispute that.

I am also willing to extend that thought to include men in general including me.

One of the things I want to be in life is a good male role model for children.

It does not matter to me whether they are the children in the church I attend who see me every week, or children that attend our Vacation Bible School whom I see once a year or the children who see me when I am out and about in public.

There are two ways that we can teach children.

We can teach them with our words.

We can also teach them by our example.

Teaching by example is one of the most effective means of teaching because children are watching us very closely to see if we practice what we teach.

There is also another very important reason why I want to be a positive male role model for children.

Matthew 19:14 (NET) - But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Children are special to Jesus.

Because they are special to Him they are also special to me.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Teach Us to Pray

In the very near future I will be leading two adult classes on the subject of prayer.

On one hand I am very much looking forward to leading these classes, but at the same time I admit that I am keeping my enthusiasm in check.

In my opinion there is a tendency among some authors and televised pastors to encourage people to "pray big".

The idea being that since nothing is impossible for God we should not sell Him short and pray for things well beyond our needs or wants.

But prayer is far more than simply asking God for things we want or would like to have.

Prayer is one of the most effective ways in which we develop and strengthen our relationship with God.

To be completely honest, God knows what we need even before we are aware of it.

Matthew 6:8 (NET) - Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

I think we would do well to heed the examples Jesus gave us when it comes to payer.

On one hand, He told us how not to pray.

Luke 18:11 (NET) - The Pharisee stood and prayed about himself like this: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other people: extortioners, unrighteous people, adulterers - or even like this tax collector.

A short time later, He told us a better way.

Luke 18:13 (NET) - The tax collector, however, stood far off and would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, be merciful to me, sinner that I am!

His disciples had the right idea when they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.

And Jesus did just that.

The prayer that He taught them we now call the Lord's Prayer.

We can pray as some suggest and "pray big".

Or, we can pray the way Jesus taught us to pray.

If you decide to "pray big" anyway, be careful.

You just might get exactly what you prayed for.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
