Thursday, June 20, 2013

Water of Life

It rained where I live about a week ago,. There is a left hand turn in the road where we set out our garbage for pickup. That curve in the road is not level. Whenever it rains, the water travels downhill until it reaches the curb by that turn where it can travel no farther. There, the water collects and a variety of small animals take advantage of this bounty while it lasts. This pool of water does not last very long though. The summer heat causes the water to evaporate. Birds and other small animals drink their portion as well. As I took out the garbage the other morning I noticed that...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

In Charge of More

This week, our church hosted another successful Vacation Bible School. I am so grateful to God for my church family. A great deal of effort goes into this ministry. I do not use the word work here because many do not consider what they do as work. Preparations begin months in advance but the end result is a very successful ministry and community outreach. Although children and their walk with God is the focal point of Bible School, we also provide an adult class every evening, I felt both happy and privileged to teach two of those adult classes. My second class posed a particularly interesting...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
