Thursday, September 18, 2014

Small Packages

After church on Sunday, a friend and I went to another church in our denomination. They were celebrating their 100th anniversary. Being that this church was about 45 minutes away, we were delighted to celebrate this milestone with them. It was wonderful catching up with some old friends. It was equally wonderful making new ones. After a meal was served, everyone made their way into the sanctuary. There, a worship service was held. Hymns were sung and prayers were offered up God. There were several speakers including clergy, community leaders and members. Each...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Faith Is Not Complicated

What is faith? Faith and trust go hand in hand. Faith is belief without reservation. Faith is belief without the need for additional analysis. When I sit down in a chair, I do not analyze it first to determine if it will support me. I do not consider its age, its materials or its quality of construction. I simply sit in the chair fully trusting it to support me. When I drive across a bridge I do not perform any complex mathematics. I do not consider the design or the engineering that went into its construction. I do not estimate the weight of my vehicle and...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
