Thursday, February 18, 2016

Revolving Around the Son

Recently there was news of the possibility of a new planet in our solar system. Planet 9, when confirmed, will be very far away. It will undoubtedly be quite different from the world on which we live. Although each planet is unique, there is one thing that each of the planets have in common. Each one revolves around the sun. That is because the sun’s gravitational pull keeps them in orbit. The sun also provides warmth which makes life on earth a reality. If these influences from the sun stopped then the solar system would cease to exist. In fact, it would no longer be...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Unlimited Coverage

Today’s technology is amazing. Take cell phones for example. One day, you decide to take a trip and find yourself far away from home. You decide to tell your friend about it and so you get out your cell phone. You then dial your friend’s cell number. At the very same time your friend has also decided to take a trip and is also far away from home. Suddenly his cell phone rings. He answers and the two of you are able to talk about the trips you are on. You had no idea where your friend was. Yet the two of you are able to clearly communicate as if there was no distance...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
