Thursday, November 17, 2016

I Just Don't See It

Over the past few months I have observed a building under construction. I passed by it every day during my commute. I observed the excavation. I saw the foundation laid. I watched the steel girders go up. I observed additional concrete poured. I saw men at work inside the building busy at various tasks. Each day I passed by I could see the progress that was being made. What made this interesting was that I only saw this building from a corner view. When work began on the exterior of the building, workers started on the side of the building to my left. That phase...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sin is Overt

There is a car dealership I pass every morning and every evening. What is most noticeable about it during the daytime is their large sign which displays their family name of Covert. At night, the dealership is even more noticeable. Lights are turned on and their facility is flooded with light. Even their sign lights up. In this state, both the sign and facility can be seen from quite far away. The dictionary defines the word covert as “not openly displayed”. I find it more than a bit interesting that a place that attracts so much attention could have the word “covert” attached...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
