Thursday, February 16, 2017

To Whom Shall We Listen?

In 2 Chronicles 18, we are told of the alliance between King Ahab of Israel and Jehoshaphat. King Ahab desired to attack Ramoth Gilead, He also wanted Jehoshaphat’s support. Jehoshaphat said he would support Ahab but he also recommended consulting the Lord first. King Ahab assembled 400 prophets and consulted them. All 400 said to attack and the Lord would hand Ramoth Gilead over to him. Jehoshaphat then asked if there was a not man of God nearby who could be consulted, 2 Chronicles 18:7-8 (NET) - The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man through...

Thursday, February 2, 2017

It is of God

In Acts 17 we read of the troubled times of Paul and Silas. Some of those who heard their message followed their teaching. Others were not pleased caused trouble. They formed a mob and spread turmoil. Failing to find Paul and Silas, they turned upon Jason and those with him. Acts 17: 6-8 (NET) - When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city officials, screaming, “These people who have stirred up trouble throughout the world have come here too, and Jason has welcomed them as guests! They are all acting against Caesar’s decrees, saying...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
