Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Money Box

One thing that can be said about teaching Sunday school is that you never know what questions will arise. Last Sunday we were discussing the Beatitudes and how in particular they applied to the disciples. A question arose as to what Jesus and His followers did for money. Scripture tells us that Jesus and his followers possessed a money box to help the poor. It also tells us that Judas was the keeper of the box and that he helped himself to that money. John 12:6 (NET) - Now Judas said this not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Say What?

People do not always mean what they say. Politicians promise us things to gain our support. Often those promises are unkept after they are elected. This is just one example. A restaurant might have the words “Home Cooking” on their sign. Yet when we taste the food it may fall well short of the food we ate growing up. A hotel might advertise its “luxury” accommodations. Its rooms, however, might be anything but luxurious. Even place names can be misleading using words like “view” or “vista”. Once we get there, we may discover that there is not much of a view at all. Even...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
