Thursday, June 18, 2020

Attitudes and Beatitudes

What a time we live in. Just when things can’t seem to be more out of control, something else arises. My thoughts turn to the words of Christ and the Sermon on the Mount. Especially to His words from the Beatitudes. It’s as if we’ve collectively forgotten them. A quick Internet search indicates just how much confusion there is. Some say there are eight Beatitudes while others claim there are nine or ten. I will not go into all the Beatitudes but will focus on a few important for today. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Many are mourning right...

Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Can't Breathe

“I can’t breathe.” These could have been the final words of a COVID-19 patient on a ventilator. Sadly, they were the last words of George Floyd while being restrained by four police officers. Now the nation, indeed the world, is outraged by the injustice. As Christians, we too must take a stand against injustice. There are so many references to justice in scripture that I cannot list them all here. That’s indicative of just how important justice is to God. It should be equally important to us. Many people think that God, whom we see in the Old Testament, is vindictive. Yet...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
