Thursday, June 17, 2021

Love, Mercy, and Grace

Zechariah 3:4 (NET) - The angel spoke up to those standing all around, “Remove his filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have freely forgiven your iniquity and will dress you in fine clothing.” Zechariah is considered one of the minor prophets. This term can be misinterpreted. It does not refer to the importance of the prophet but rather the brevity of his book. Zechariah’s importance must not be overlooked. He clearly and frequently prophesied about the Messiah. The opening verse is from the fourth vision experienced by the prophet. In this vision, Zechariah describes the complete...

Thursday, June 3, 2021

First and Foremost

1 Samuel 7:3 (NET) - Samuel said to all the people of Israel, “If you are really turning to the Lord with all your hearts, remove from among you the foreign gods and the images of Ashtoreth. Give your hearts to the Lord and serve only him. Then he will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” There was conflict between the people of Israel and the Philistines. The people turned to the Lord for help. Samuel reminded them that they first had to remove all foreign gods and images. The people listened to Samuel and did so. One day, the Philistines approached for battle. Because the people...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
