Author’s Note: I want to be clear from the outset that this
devotional is about faith, not politics.
We recently had an election in America.
Although this means a change in leadership, two things are truly
First, America is a divided country politically.
That means it is likely that there are about as many
Christians who voted for one candidate as for the other.
Second, I find the outcry on various social media platforms,
especially from the young, disheartening.
While I support free speech, the tone of the rhetoric
reveals much.
Primarily, people place more trust in men and women than on
Psalm 84 is a psalm of Joy in the Temple.
Psalm 84:4 (NRSVue) - Happy are those who live in your
house, ever singing your praise.
This verse speaks volumes to me today.
I have seen the political pendulum in America swing both
ways in my lifetime.
Sometimes, my candidate wins.
Equally, sometimes my candidate loses.
But no matter which way the pendulum swings, I rejoice in
the fact that God remains in charge.
And no matter how divided the country becomes, I know I can
remain happy in His house.
Paul, in his letter to Rome, writes of Future Glory.
Romans 8:26 (NRSVue) - Likewise the Spirit helps us in our
weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit
intercedes with groanings too deep for words.
As I listen to the rhetoric, especially from the young, I am
It tells me that they place far more emphasis on men or
women than they do on God.
I can but pray that the Spirit helps them in their weakness
and intercedes for words spoken hastily in pain and anger.
I also pray that God will use this pain for their benefit.
I pray they will come to know that ultimately God is in
Psalm 22:28 (NRSVue) - For dominion belongs to the Lord, and
he rules over the nations.
Finally, Christians on each side of the political divide
have vital roles to play.
If your candidate lost, do not let despair be your witness.
If your candidate won, do not gloat.
And, as for the healing of division in America, only God can
bring this about,
Jeremiah 33:6 (NRSVue) - I am going to bring it recovery and
healing; I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and
Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, November
8, 2024.
I will be back here on Friday, November
15, 2024