Wednesday, March 21, 2012

God's Darlings

                  Deuteronomy 7: 7-9                   "The Lord took no pleasure in you, nor you chose, because the your crowd was more than all other people ... but because the Lord loved you ...".                   Hello! I spent a while without internet, but now I'm back! I've been thinking in these last few weeks about our Christian universe and came across the same problem that the Israelis faced...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Choose to Act

My father had a scar on his arm. When I was a child, I asked him about it. He never gave me a straight answer about it until he thought I was old enough to understand. It was the result of an accident he had as a young man when he worked for a factory. He was walking past the loading dock of the factory when a large bale of cotton that was quite heavy fell off the dock and landed on my father pinning him to the ground. Among the injuries my father suffered was a broken arm that left his arm permanently scarred. The weight of the bale made it impossible for my father to call out for help. It...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Existential Crisis

I can't stop... I have to write ... what's happened believers in this world! oh Jesus. Few time ago arrived in my hands a video of a guy preaching to believers about evangelism. Among jokes and laughs he said believers have to learn how to reach people. Believers have to understand unbelievers and learn how to evangelism again… What??? What is happen with this people? To learn how evangelism? I have to say it doesn’t make sense to me. When we live indeed with Christ, to love unbelievers and desire them save it is a normal thing, it is like...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friends Indeed

I recently celebrated my 57th birthday, and spent much of it thanking the many friends and family members who sent me warm birthday greetings. Their kindness was so touching; they made me feel loved, more than I regard myself. Even on otherwise ordinary days, I have a circle of friends who ride with me on the bus to work; we laugh and joke together and look out for each other's welfare and happiness. I've developed many good friends at church, and recently reconnected with some old high school classmates whom I haven't seen in decades; we now...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hope, or Faith

What is the difference between Hope and Faith? I have given this considerable thought as of late because there is a difference. If you were to ask me differentiate the two, my response would be that Faith is Hope put into action. Take a look at the shepherds who heard about the birth of Jesus. The angel told them that the Savior was born in the City of David. A heavenly army accompanied the angel and praised God. The shepherds did not simply hope that the message was true. They put their hope into action. Luke 2:15 (NET) - When the angels left them and went back to heaven, the shepherds...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
