Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GRACE (So Irresistible)

There is a story of a woman who desperately seek a breakthrough for her daughter, and her only place of help is a place where she is ineligible to get help. Her case is liken to an illegal immigrant into the United State of America walking up to the welfare office to ask for unemployment benefit You can imagine the scenario. In the first instance, will he even have access to the building? Even if he does, what ground does he have to ask for such? I believe if anyone try such, he/she would be on the next available flight to his/her country....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

One Way

John 14:6 (NET) - Jesus replied, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Believers understand that these words of Jesus are essential to Christianity. Those that do not believe have an assortment of problems with these words. One group says that it does not matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. Another group says that this point of view is too narrow. Another says that they cannot believe in God because He provided only one way for salvation. Let’s examine each of these in turn. First - Sincerity... We live in an age where...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Among my people (the Yoruba of South West Nigeria) there is a drug called "GBOGBONISE" (try not to bite your tongue…lol). Gbogbonise means "a drug that can cure all ailment". Whatever it is you are suffering from, ranging from STDs, to diabetes to infertility, high blood pressure, rheumatism, headache, even menstrual cramps, just name it. The drug, is able to cure it-so they say. (But please don't ask me). Is this drug effective in curing all these ailments (and many more not mentioned in this post)? I don't know because I have never used...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

An Unexpected Shock

Not long ago, I decided to stop at a local restaurant. As I pulled my car into its parking space, I noticed two young individuals seated against the side of the building. It was a sunny and hot summer afternoon and the temperature was near 100 degrees F (38 degrees C). From the state of their clothing, it was obvious that the owners of this establishment would not permit them to wait inside where it was cooler. The other thing that was painfully obvious was the crude sign that one had created that had but one word on it. "HUNGRY" My heart immediately went out to these individuals and scripture...

Being There

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5) One of the most consoling and strengthening aspects of faith in God is the knowledge that He lives and reigns all the time and everywhere--that He is always there for us, no matter where we are or what may happen to us, and no matter how confused, lonely, or despairing we may feel. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, and is aware of our every thought, word, and deed, good or bad. He wants to share and magnify our happiness, and He most certainly feels and seeks to assuage...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


If ten people hold 10 flashlights in a dark room composing of about 100 people, what do you have? Illumination for everybody… The flashlight may not be bright individually but when their numbers increase and they work in unison, it might just be as good as one big bright light… We live in a dark world filled with all manners of evil and wickedness, and man continually grope around in it… sometimes falling, sometimes walking uprightly and straight; sometimes he give up and sometime he hopes…but one thing that is constant all through these...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hunger and Thirst

          To soar in our minds the words of this fragment of the sermon on the mount, are taken immediately, the following questions: 1) where is the emphasis:) in the person of whom have appetite (insatiable desire) for Justice, as a compliment, a word of encouragement? b) on its own "justice" as something essential to be sought? c) or promise of plenty, that redound in happiness (bliss) that suffering for Justice? 2) When the promise will be fulfilled: in eternity or at the present time? 3) what is the purpose...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
