Friday, October 12, 2012

Help Another, Help Yourself

Life's many problems can leave one feeling overwhelmed, alone, and helpless--an emotional paralysis that makes it impossible to cope.  One way to escape this cycle of despair is to focus on someone else who is in serious need, and devote substantial thought, energy, and prayer toward helping that person. The benefits are many, and "losing yourself" in this way is sure to lighten your own load!

Among other things, doing this helps to put your own problems in perspective--no matter how bad things look for you, there is ALWAYS someone in much greater need!--and reduce them in your mind to a more manageable level. You avoid developing an obsessive fixation on apparently insoluble dilemmas; your mind is freed and rested, at least for a while, enabling you to come back later with a fresh viewpoint and possibly new angles to try in dealing with your own challenges.

Making a positive difference for someone else, even in a small way, gives you a renewed faith in your ability to change things and a greater sense of your own value in this world. Also, others are more inclined to come to your aid if they see you as a helpful, giving person yourself.

Perhaps most important, acting as a channel of God's love toward another fills you with awareness of His infinite love for you, and with a new sense of purpose and confidence. That makes all the difference when tackling life's challenges!  There is nothing more empowering than knowing that no matter what happens in this life, He will NEVER disown you, and never abandon you! Whatever problems we have now, they'll be left here when we join Him in Heaven!

So, if you need help with your burdens, start by shouldering another's!

Tom Fleming
Songs of Praises


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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
