The above exposition bear some semblance to the work of God in our lives. Over four (4) thousand years ago He sent the commandments and various codes for the Israelites to obey that they should be separate from everybody around them and so they can enter His rest, but now, He made a new way of salvation through faith.
Like farming that was initially oxen-driven but now machine-driven, so, it is with God's way with us. Then it was obedience, now it is faith… Then it was fulfilment of all the codes but now it is YIELDING to the work of His spirit in us. Then, obedience to the law could not help us (because of our nature) but now "He works in us to will and to do His good pleasure"
God's intention has never changed. His earnest desire is to have us in eternity with Him. The process may change, but the expected result is still the same.
He loves us and cannot wait to have us home with Him. Does He loves us more now than before? NO! He Loves us either we are saved or not.... all He desire is to Have us with Him eternally...
Joh 3:16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. (CEV)
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