Thursday, April 4, 2013

Parts of the Plan

Jeremiah 29:11 (NET) -  ‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not harm you. I plan to give you a future filled with hope.’

I will always be grateful for the mother God gave me.

Her story was not an easy one.

Her first pregnancy was extremely difficult and the child she delivered, my brother, died in infancy.

Her second pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Heartbroken, she and my father must have concluded that having a child they could raise to adulthood was just not meant to be.

God’s plan was different.

Shortly after my mother turned forty years of age, I was born.

Although neither of my parents ever said anything to me about it, I concluded that I was not the result of any planning on their part.

I was however a part of the plan that God had and that was sufficient for me.

It was my mother who taught me to pray when I was very young.

It was my mother who told me stories from the Bible when I was still too young to read.

As the years passed we developed a great relationship together as mother and son.

That was also part of God’s plan because shortly after I graduated from high school, my father died.

Mother found employment and I left school to do the same.

A few years later, she was diagnosed with arthritis.

It grew progressively worse.

During a downturn in the economy, she found herself suddenly unemployed.

Because of her now debilitating arthritis, her prospects of finding another job were not good.

Fortunately, by the time this happened, I had a better job and she was able to retire.

To me, this was further evidence of God’s plan in action.

Although she remained mentally sharp, her arthritis grew steadily worse.

I tried to keep her as active as her condition would permit.

On really cold or damp days, her arthritis would be especially painful.

On one of those days, she asked for my help with a simple task.

Of course, I agreed and jokingly asked, "What are you going to do tomorrow when I’m at work?"

I will never forget her response.

She looked at me with those still beautiful hazel eyes and said, "I am going to pray."

With all of my heart, I believed her.

I also knew exactly what she meant by that.

She would not be praying for herself.

She would be praying for me and for my safe return home.

When I was young, she taught me with words.

As an adult, she taught me by example.

Again, another glimpse into God’s plan.

Mother died just a few years ago.

Since her passing, I have had many people tell me that God was going to bless me some day for taking such good care of her.

What those well meaning people did not realize was that He was already blessing me every step of the way.

That too was part of His plan.

Because of the faith she instilled and cultivated in me, I have a solid foundation upon which I continue to build and which I now share with others.

Sharing in ways that I do not believe she could have foreseen.

I certainly did not foresee them.

That too was part of His plan.

I cannot help but wonder how His plan will yet surprise me.

As human beings, we cannot see nor even comprehend all the facets of God’s plan.

He does, however, give us glimpses into that plan and even of Himself if we take the time to reflect on how involved He is in our lives.

What glimpses is He showing you?

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim


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