Thursday, August 1, 2013

Weathering the Storms

John 16:33 (NET) - I have told you these things so that in Me you will have peace. In the world you will have trouble and sufferings, but take courage - I have conquered the world.

In the summer, it is relatively easy to predict the weather where I live.

If I were asked to do so, I would forecast hot and dry and be correct the vast majority of the time.

I recall one summer day when the forecast called for hot with a slight chance of rain.

Even the professional forecasters all but dismissed that chance of rain.

Throughout the day and into the evening, it was indeed hot and not a single drop of rain fell.

That night, the slight chance of rain materialized in the form of a severe thunderstorm.

As it approached, I knew that we were in for quite a night because of the amount of thunder I heard in the distance.

When the storm arrived in full force, I was amazed by the amount of lightning it generated.

Continual flashes of lightning lit up my windows.

Several lightning bolts struck nearby.

Seated with my back to the wall, I could literally feel their shock waves as the concussions traveled through both the wall and my chair.

I could hear the wind as it drove the rain into my door and window panes.

As the winds continued to blow, hail began to fall.

Eventually, the storm passed.

The following day I saw some of the damage left by the storm.

Leaves littered the ground.

Broken tree branches were scattered about. Some fell in the streets.

Roofs were also damaged.

Yes, this was quite a storm.

The storm also brought one more thing.

Precious life giving rain.

A substantial amount had fallen and was quickly absorbed by the ground which the day before was extremely hard and dry.

In the days that followed, the grass, once brown and dry, softened and turned green once again.

It was given a new lease on life.

At times, the weather becomes turbulent.

At times, our very lives become turbulent.

Even believers experience times of turbulence and upheaval. 

Jesus was very clear about this in scripture.

That is why I have a problem with concept of only prosperity for believers.

According to some, becoming a believer will eliminate every problem and every challenge.

Experience, however, confirms both His words of caution and His promise.

In fact, some of the most faithful people I have ever known have endured challenges that would cause many without faith to become easily discouraged.

In some cases it was a health crisis. In others it was the sudden loss of a loved one. For others it was a problem in the workplace.

To speak candidly , believers face many challenges in a lifetime.

There are even times when they face several challenges at once.

The believer, however, knows that he does not face these storms alone.

The believer knows that there is no reason to fear and every reason to hope.

The believer knows that Jesus has conquered the world and will help them weather the storm whatever that storm may bring.

They rest assured knowing that they will be blessed in the process.

They may even be a vehicle of blessing for others as a result.

It is easy to thank God when things are going our way.

The faithful also thank God during the storms in life.

It is in the process of overcoming them that He refines us.

It is in facing them that our relationship with God is strengthened.

When the storms pass, and they will, the blessings that accompany them are truly appreciated.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim


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