Thursday, October 31, 2013

Turning Point

When I was a young man, I had a job that I enjoyed working with people that I liked. There is an old saying that states that ignorance is bliss. I was happy but only because I was ignorant of changes that would soon turn that part of my world upside down in the span of one day. One Friday morning, I was approached by two managers. They informed me that the company had promised a shipment to a customer that day. They added that when the product reached my department for inspection we were to do whatever was necessary in order to make sure that product shipped that day. While this might...

Thursday, October 17, 2013


When I was a very young boy, my uncle taught me to play checkers.When I was a little older, a family friend gave me a chess and checkers set.As much as I liked to play checkers, I was fascinated by the chess pieces.I really wanted to learn how to play chess but at that young age I could not read the instructions and no one in my world knew how to play.As time went by, I grew older, my world grew larger and I learned how to read.One day, as I browsed through a bookstore, I discovered that many books had been written on the game of chess.I was delighted.I carefully selected a book that not only...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Preparing for the Worst

Currently, there are many television programs that deal with preparation for a post apocalyptic world.For some reason, television producers sometimes prefer to use the word "Doomsday" in their titles.So many of these programs revolve around people preparing to live in such a world.These people are shown stockpiling food, water and weapons.They are then depicted training to use those weapons.Some even have more than one stockpile in the event they forced to abandon their primary store.Some are spending huge sums of money building elaborate underground bunkers.One family is even building a castle...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
