Thursday, October 3, 2013

Preparing for the Worst

Currently, there are many television programs that deal with preparation for a post apocalyptic world.

For some reason, television producers sometimes prefer to use the word "Doomsday" in their titles.

So many of these programs revolve around people preparing to live in such a world.

These people are shown stockpiling food, water and weapons.

They are then depicted training to use those weapons.

Some even have more than one stockpile in the event they forced to abandon their primary store.

Some are spending huge sums of money building elaborate underground bunkers.

One family is even building a castle in order to defend their resources.

They then spend both time and money training themselves in how to best protect what they are amassing.

Before continuing, I do not think there is anything wrong with being prudent.

I keep a small supply of bottled water, canned goods, batteries and candles on hand in the event some natural disaster strikes and services are disrupted for a few days.

These individuals go far beyond prudence.

What they are in essence preparing for is the end of the world as we know it.

They are preparing for a complete breakdown of society and the anarchy that would inevitably ensue.

They imagine themselves locked safely inside their fortified walls along with their food and water successfully defending themselves against all comers.

Let's speak hypothetically for a moment.

Suppose the first to arrive at their compound is not some angry mob.

Suppose it is instead a single unarmed individual who is badly in need of food and water.

What would be their response?

Would they take this individual in?

What if that individual were a child?

A child that was not only in need of food and water but also frightened and alone.

Would their response be any different?

I suspect not.

Perhaps that is why the term "survivalist" seems appropriate.

Perhaps when one willingly sacrifices all compassion for his fellow man he also willingly sacrifices living for the sake of surviving.

I have to ask myself a question.

Is the world they prepare for the kind of world I would want to live in?

I would have to answer resoundingly "No".

I would much rather accept what Jesus promised.

John 14:2-3 (NET) - There are many dwelling places in my Father’s house. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going away to make ready a place for you. And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will come again and take you to be with me, so where I am you may be too.

People are free to make choices.

I will choose to spend my time doing what Jesus said was most important; loving God and loving my neighbor.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim


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