Thursday, December 19, 2013

Reflections on Christmas

In less than one week we will celebrate Christmas Day. It has been said that the day Jesus was born forever changed the world. Looking back, the change must have been so great that mankind made His life the most historic point of reference. Historians now divide the time between the periods BC and AD. Centuries before His birth the prophets foretold of His arrival. When He arrived, those prophecies were fulfilled but certainly not in the way many had imagined it would. His place of birth was not a palace but rather a stable. His earthly parents were not people of wealth...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blessings Abound

I have been reflecting on all the ways God has blessed me in the course of my lifetime. Every blessing from Him I thought of, without exception, had something else in common. God used people in His blessing. As a child, God used my parents to bless me. When I attended school, God used teachers to bless me. At church, He used pastors and Sunday School teachers to bless me. In my professional life, He used my employers and coworkers to bless me. To develop my character, he has blessed me with wonderful role models. To uplift me, He has blessed me with a wonderful...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
