Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is There a Sequel?

Every now and again a really good story comes along. Perhaps it is in the form of a book. Maybe it is in the form of a movie or a television show. Whatever form it comes in, we eventually reach the end of the story no matter how good it is. If it is a story we enjoyed we might find ourselves asking, “Is that all there is?” Not always. Sometimes a sequel is written or produced. The story continues but, more often than not, we find ourselves disappointed. The sequel simply just does not live up to the original story we enjoyed so much. Our lives are a bit like a story...

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Like One of Your Own

The corporation for which I work occasionally asks us to provide office space for people that technically do not work for our office. This is due to our location. That was an extremely unique concept for me when I first encountered it. Providing these individuals with office space also means providing them with technical support as required. That is where I come in. Providing technical support is a service I provide for the people that work for our office. It simply stands to reason that I need to provide technical support for these individuals well. Times like these make...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
