Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is There a Sequel?

Every now and again a really good story comes along.

Perhaps it is in the form of a book.

Maybe it is in the form of a movie or a television show.

Whatever form it comes in, we eventually reach the end of the story no matter how good it is.

If it is a story we enjoyed we might find ourselves asking, “Is that all there is?”

Not always.

Sometimes a sequel is written or produced.

The story continues but, more often than not, we find ourselves disappointed.

The sequel simply just does not live up to the original story we enjoyed so much.

Our lives are a bit like a story we enjoy.

We are born. we live for a time and ultimately each of our stories on earth comes to an end.

Somewhere along our journeys we all find ourselves asking, “Is this all there is?”

An unbeliever would tell us that this is the case.

He would tell us that we are born, we live, we die… end of story.

Some believe otherwise.

They believe in an afterlife but seem to feel this life is to be preferred.

Their concept of Heaven is one in which we float around on clouds and do nothing but play the harp for all of eternity.

This would be the equivalent of a sequel failing to live up to the original story.

Personally, I believe that God is the author of all things.

I believe our journeys on earth are just the first story.

There is more to come.

For those who believe, Heaven will be like the sequel to that story.

The Bible gives us some hints as to what Heaven will be like,

Yet even the most imaginative and creative among us will have to experience it to fully appreciate it.

In that respect, this sequel will be far, far better than the original.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NET) - But just as it is written, “Things that no eye has seen, or ear heard, or mind imagined, are the things God has prepared for those who love him.”

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, August 26, 2016.
I’ll be back here on Friday, September 2, 2016


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