There is an old saying that goes, “Forgive and forget.”
Scripture tells us plainly that we are to forgive others.
Matthew 6:14-15 (NET) - For if you forgive others their sins, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your
Father will not forgive you your sins.
It really does not get much plainer than that.
The question remains, “Does forgiving mean forgetting?”
On one hand the argument could be made that one should
forget what one has forgiven.
God tells us in scripture that He does not remember our sins
when we repent of them.
Isaiah 43:25 (NET) - I, I am the one who blots out your rebellious
deeds for my sake; your sins I do not remember.
Of course, God is God and we are not.
Some things are really hard to forget.
Before I was born my mother experienced tragedy twice.
Her first child came into this world suffering a severe
Both she and my father did everything they could for this
Despite their best efforts, he died before reaching the age
of two.
Mother’s second pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
Years went by and finally I came along when people my
parents’ age were becoming grandparents.
So many times people told Mother, “So, you just decided to
have the one child then.”
This hurt Mother.
Most simply did not realize the other heartaches Mother
She forgave, but she never forgot.
As I have grown older, forgiveness comes more easily.
Forgetting, however, is another matter.
Even Christians can hurt each other without really meaning
Years ago someone I know and love wanted to move forward on a
I disagreed.
Without thought they responded with, “You just don’t have any
That may be one of the most hurtful things one Christian can
say to another.
Did I forgive them?
Have I forgotten?
Obviously, the answer is no.
Is it possible to forgive without forgetting?
I honestly believe that it is.
For example, a victim of crime should forgive.
If that victim forgets, he or she could be setting themselves
up to be victimized all over again.
If a Christian is wounded by another’s words, he must forgive
because that is what scripture tells him to do.
Remembering, however, just might prevent him from wounding
another in the same way.
Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on
Friday, October 28, 2016.
I’ll be back here on Friday, November 4, 2016