Thursday, November 30, 2017

Giving Them My Best

I think everyone gets busier the closer we get to Christmas. I certainly do. One of the things that makes me busier is our annual Christmas Program. The last few of these have seen me become an active participant. There are lines to learn. There are rehearsals. As always, there are also the general preparations. To be honest, I really don’t mind the extra work this creates for me. This is certainly an opportunity for me to thank God for sending His Son into the world. Christmas marks the beginning of Christ’s journey among us. A journey that began in a stable, A...

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Country Road

There is an old country road I traveled many times in the past. I hardly ever use it anymore. It passes alongside farms, fields, horses and other livestock. It also passes alongside an old country church that is still in use. Just beyond that, the road comes to a T shaped intersection leaving you with two options. You can turn left, or you can turn right. Sometimes we would turn to the left and go to the home of my uncle and aunt. Sometimes we would turn to the right and visit the home of some dear family friends. Whichever way we went, we would always take that same...

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Technology is great… when it works. One of the most frustrating technical problems is a device that has trouble communicating. Perhaps it is a telephone that misses calls. Maybe it is a computer that has trouble sending or receiving email. It might be a tablet that loses connection with the Internet. Even if the device is otherwise perfect functional, a communications problem can push our patience to the limit. Speaking from experience, these problems are often the most difficult to diagnose. Even when we manage to correct the problem, there are no guarantees that it will...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
