Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Shaper of My Faith

Faith is a very personal matter between a person and the Lord. That said, there are people in our lives who help shape our faith. In thinking about this, I can honestly say my mother did more to shape my faith than anyone else. As a child, she taught me to pray. As an adolescent, she encouraged me to study scripture. She did the things mothers are supposed to do for their children. But, she did so much more. As she went through her day, I could hear her humming or singing her favorite hymns. I also listened to scripture she recited. There were passages she would...

Thursday, July 4, 2019

No Thanks Required

This has been an interesting week in that I had two people thank me at work. The first was an intern who is trying to gain valuable experience. He had been assigned a task and was having some difficultly seeing it through. He turned to me for help, so I set aside the task I was working on to assist. I walked over and he explained to me both the task he had been assigned and where he had become stuck. My years of experience allowed me to see a better way of going about the task. This experience also led me to another conclusion. I did not merely tell him what I would do...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
