Thursday, August 15, 2019

Comfort in Troubled Times

It seems that I cannot turn on the news without hearing about violence. This is especially true about gun violence. Just two weeks ago, a mass shooting took place in the state in which I live. Within 24 hours, another mass shooting took place in a different part of the country. On Wednesday, in another state, six police officers were wounded while serving a warrant. That same evening, I received word that shots had been fired in the neighborhood where I live. Frankly, this kind of news is enough to frighten anybody. Fortunately, God provides words of comfort in troubled...

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Dual Roles

I recently watched two old programs that had something in common. In each there was an actor or actress who played two parts. In the first there was an actress who portrayed both the head of a corporation as well as the woman trying to take it away from her. In the second, an actor portrayed both a ruthless dictator and a man trying to put an end to his regime. The use of a single actor for dual roles was quite effective in each case. This put me in mind of one of my favorite Christian allegories written in the 1600’s by John Amos Comenius. It is entitled The Labyrinth of...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
