Isaiah 29:15 (NET) - Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are as good as dead, who do their work in secret and boast, “Who sees us? Who knows what we’re doing?”
As human beings we often fail to do what we know to be right.
In fact, we sometimes intentionally do what we know to be wrong.
Perhaps that is because we find it easy to justify our actions.
In doing so we deceive ourselves.
Most importantly, we attempt to deceive God.
Fooling ourselves is easy.
Fooling God is impossible.
Isaiah’s warning is clear.
Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are as good as dead.
It is God who sees us.
It is God who knows what we are doing.
Paul understood this as well.
He explains this in his letter to the Ephesians.
He states that God’s anger falls on the disobedient.
He reminds us that we no longer reside in darkness.
He then reminds us that we are children of the Light.
Rather than deceit, we should pursue goodness, righteousness, and truth.
We should do what pleases the Lord.
That is because nothing is hidden when exposed by the Light.
Ephesians 5:13 (NET) - But all things being exposed by the light are made visible.
Christ is the Light of the world.
He declared this in the Gospel of John.
John 8:12 (NET) - Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world! The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
His Light is unlike any other.
It fills even the darkest corners of our lives.
He calls everyone into His Light.
That Light dispels all darkness and deception.
It also allows us to clearly see His love for everyone.
There are no shadows in which to hide.
Therefore, let us live obediently in the Light!
Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, September 10, 2021.
I will be back here on Friday, September 17, 2021
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