Psalm 33:6 (NET) - By the Lord’s decree the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all the starry hosts.
Here, the Psalmist writes of God’s role in creation.
In verse six, he echoes the words first recorded in Genesis.
Genesis initially tells of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth.
Although the Psalmist focuses on the heavens, there is one thing common to both.
God simply speaks and creation results.
One word from God, and it is so.
Moreover, God looks upon His creation and calls it good.
This illustrates God’s awesome power.
First, God speaks.
Next, what God speaks comes into being.
And what is created is exactly the way God intends it.
When Paul arrived in Athens, he noticed that the people served many idols.
He also spoke with the people about Jesus and the resurrection.
This was something new and exciting to the Athenians who were curious for more.
In his travels, Paul saw an altar dedicated to an unknown god.
Paul used this sighting to reach the people.
He told them they were worshipping without even knowing it.
Paul told them about God and the universe He created.
He also reminded them that God does not live in temples.
Paul then explained why this is so.
Acts 17:25 (NET) - nor is he served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives life and breath and everything to everyone.
The universe was created through the breath of God when He spoke.
You and I have our existence through that same breath.
As we continue our journey through Lent, let us remember Paul’s teaching.
When Paul spoke about Jesus and the resurrection, the Athenians were amazed.
We should feel the same kind of amazement.
We should also remember that God created our fellow man.
Therefore, we should be concerned about his struggles and needs.
True, we should pray for God’s intercession.
But we should also pray for God to show us what role He means for us to play in the world.
Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, March 25, 2022.
I will be back here on Friday, April 1, 2022
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