Thursday, November 17, 2022

Goodbye... for the Moment

Change occurs in everyone’s life and my life is no exception. Recently, God opened new doors and new avenues of service for me for which I am grateful. Very recently, I could see His hand at work as a new door opened. Unfortunately, there is currently not enough time for me to do all the things I would like to do. After prayerful consideration, I am taking a short leave from both this site and my own. I feel that if I cannot give these my best effort, then I would be shortchanging both myself and anyone who reads them. I do plan to return as I am certainly not the same person I was when I started...

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Love Must Prevail

The Lord instructed Jeremiah to address the king of Judah, his ministers, and the people. Jeremiah spoke with integrity. Jeremiah 22:3 (GNT) - “I, the Lord, command you to do what is just and right. Protect the person who is being cheated from the one who is cheating him. Do not mistreat or oppress aliens, orphans, or widows; and do not kill innocent people in this holy place. To the modern ear, these commands sound like common sense. But, as Jeremiah made clear, there was wickedness in their hearts. As time moved on, wickedness remained in the world. Paul addressed this in his letter to...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
