Monday, September 19, 2011


The Power of response

The Power of our response

The way we respond to things holds great power

We can respond well

We can respond badly

We can respond in an appropriate way.

We can respond in a Godly way.

No-one, apart from ourselves, can change or take away the way we respond.

Whatever the world throws at us we still have the choice of response.

However ill we get we still have the option to respond well or not.

Jesus tells us that when someone strikes us we must turn the other cheek.

When someone hits us, physically, emotionally, spiritually, or verbally we choose how we respond.

We can run away.

We can crumple.

We can hit back.

We can rise above it.

We can turn the other cheek.

How do we respond?

When bad things happen we always have the choice of response.

Will we let it ruin our day, our week, our life?

Will we rise above it, deal with it and move on?

Will we chose to learn from it, help it strengthen us and grow?

Will we give it over to God and let him deal with it so that we don;t have to?

Even when the worst things happen we still have the choice of how to respond to it.

We can't help what the world throws at us.

We don't know what God is going to allow us to go through.

But our response in is our hands.

Even when the worst things happen we can determine how we will deal with it.

We have the choice.

Will we become bitter or better?

Will we defeat what has happened or will we allow ourselves to be defeated by it.

We get mugged.

Will we chose to live in fear?

Will we choose to forgive?

Will we chose to get help to move on?

Will we set our faces like flint and turn to God as our protector?

We get raped?

Will we become man haters?

Will we let it ruin the rest of our lives?

Will we use this terrible experience to help others?

We lose someone close to us.

Will we be consumed by grief?

Will we celebrate their life?

Will we celebrate that they are living with God?

Will we look inwardly to our pain or outwardly to what God is calling us to do?

Will we turn the other cheek.

Will we take back the power.

Will we say to the world, whatever you throw at me I'm ready.

Will we learn bounce-back-ability?

Or will we wallow in our own self pity?

Will we learn to rely on God?

Will we learn to use the help and advice of those he has put around us?

Will we learn that we always have the choice of response?

Will we learn to make the right responses?

Will we learn to make Godly responses?

Will learn that the world can't defeat us?

Will we learn that He that is in us is greater than the world?

Will we help each other make the right choices?

Will we together release the power that our choices and responses have?

Let us chose and respond wisely together.


Leovi said...

Undoubtedly make an interesting reflexión.Con too often respond without considering the consequences.

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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
