God is always in Love with us. Whether we are the woman caught in Adultery, A thief on the cross, Lazarus who was dead for four days, a Leper-an outcast, peter who denied Him, Paul who persecuted Him, the disciples that abandoned Him… and as many demography we can come up with and even you and I whether we are at our lowest ebb or on top of our game… We are always close to His Heart.
One might ask, is God stupid, after all I have done and am doing as well as the intent of my heart… how can He still Love?
That is just Him. He has no explanation, no selfish motive, He just loves. The scripture said “God is Love” (1 John 4:16b). The same way we breathe is the same way He loves… in fact; this comparison is a very poor one when we really consider how much he loves us.

We occupy so much of His heart to the extent He said categorically in His word and asked: “What will separate us from the Love Christ has for us...?” Roman 8:35-39 (God’s Word).
Friends, we are closer to His heart than we can ever imagine. Just let go and enter into His heart… after all, we are the apple of His eyes… Zechariah 2:8b (God’s Word)
Let Him Love you. There is no limit to what love can do and much more will His Love achieve in your Life.
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