Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Discovery

A thought ran through my mind recently during a meeting and further consideration opened my heart to something I have overlooked for a while.

Before I delve into that, may I ask, what is your initial response to a distress call from a friend or family or even anybody?

I don’t know how many people are like me but I can tell you that if I hear a distress call, most times, I put on my thinking cap- search for possible solutions begins. But recently I have improved to the point that I put in a word of prayer (of course after a short mental exercise…hmnnnnn). It is not that thinking is bad…God gave us the ability to think… it is His nature, it is the tool for creativity, but there is something more… that is applicable for all time and has never failed.

That was what crossed my mind and am changed. I see it every day, it has been said several times over but the Holy Spirit shed His light in my heart that I can have a permanent solution all the time no matter what betide. What am I saying, am saying that for every situation, circumstances, distress call, joyful call, praise time, prayer time, THE WORD OF GOD it is.

Whether someone is in need, give the word; someone is sad, share the word, someone is confused, send the word…. Whatever it is, the word is all that we need. JUST APPLY IT!

It has never failed, it does not expire, does not fade, it is not limited, no mountain is too high for the word, no valley is too deep either, “it is alive and active…” Joshua was encouraged to meditate on it (live on it), it was a lamp to David’s feet, and light to his path, and of course Jesus overcame the devil with it…

So for us in the end of time with all its challenges, temptations, perils, deceits, and every other thing that is peculiar to our generation and individual location, the Word of God it is…If we’ll just live on it, live by it, live through it, I know we will not just overcome, have an abundant life here but we will MAKE IT HOME TO OUR SAVIOUR AND MASTER.


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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
