II Cor. 2:15, 16

The Apostle Paul says that we are the aroma of Christ, we are the good smell of Christ, we are the smell of Christ.
In Hebrews 10: 9 and 10 we read: "…Here I am; I have come to do your will ". He cancels the first that he may establish the second. For the fulfillment of such sanctified desire, through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, offering once and for all.
The sacrifices of the Old Testament were cancelled when Jesus meets the father's will and surrender your body to sacrifice for us. Now we became the gentle aroma of sacrifice. For the saved, and life's smell and for those who perish, the smell of death.
When the Apostle Paul talks about it, he makes an allusion to the return of a victorious general and his soldiers. It released a incense that smells for the winners and the losers life smells like death. We don't have that smell of death, but our life needs to take the ungodly know how will be your final.
I John 5:12 says that "he who has the son has life; who does not have the son of God does not have life. "
When he says that we are the aroma of Christ, he says that we are the messengers of the word of God spread His message as a fragrance. And all of this has to do with justification, sanctification and testimony of life.
Our essence is Jesus Christ!
The good perfume influences without fanfare. No screams, it penetrates. Does not speak, but if necessary. Attracts people and is engaging. Makes the environment more pleasant.
I Peter 2: 9 says that "… we are the chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people unique of God, to announce quantities that called us from darkness into his wonderful light." With respect to the Act of witnessing, that smell you have vented?
The Bible tells us to live a straight life and fair, that reflects the life and character of Jesus. We were made to be like him and do as he did and we walk as he walked. With reference to your conduct, your posture, your attitudes and your words.
May God bless us and empower us to live in a way that pleases. Remember that we are your housing and that His spirit dwells in us. When we are filled with the Lord, we face the whole time. If you commit any fault, feel uncomfortable, there is repentance and confession. So we continue serving the Lord.
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