Walking by faith
"And saw two ships standing by the lake, and the fishermen had goneout of them, were washing their nets.And he entered into the boat, which was Simon's, asked him to put out a little of the earth, and we sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.And when he finished speaking, he said to Simon, Put out into the sea, and cast your nets for a catch.And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all night and taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.And in so doing, reaped a lot of fish, and broke them up the network.And they beckoned to their partners were in the other boat to come help them. They came and filled both boats so that they began to sink.And Simon Peter saw it, fell down at Jesus' feet, saying, Lord, Depart from me, I am a sinful man.For what was astonished him, and all who were with him, because of the fishes that had "Luke 5:1-9When we read this passage from the Gospel of Luke, is not essential to emphasize the obedience of one man to his master, Jesus.Simon Peter was a fisherman since childhood, was raised in this way, becoming then an expert in fishing. It was what he could do better, he understood everything that was conducive to having good fishing, moon phase, right time ... But that night, having tested a lot, found nothing.When Jesus saw what had happened, gave him one word: 'launches the network. " At this point I imagine that many things went at the head of Peter, such as: Who am I mean fishing, but the Lord Master is good to speak the Word of God, the things of the kingdom of His FatherBut he an attitude of faith to a command given by Jesus, the network launched and caught a huge amount of fish. Peter knew who had given the order, recognized the voice of his Master and knew I could trust Him because He is a God who delivers what it says.He never tells us to do anything to frustrate us or suffer. All He asks of us is to see us grow and to be blessed even more. Except that sometimes our unbelief, self-sufficiency, self-justification in the center take the will of God and delay the fulfillment of His Word in our lives.As children of God, we must learn to recognize who speaks to us, the importance of sweat that has His Word and obey immediately. Questioning that we are not waiting explanations, reasoning it logically, because when God gives a command is just to be obeyed and nothing else.We live in a world where it is necessary to give an explanation for everything, have answers for everything, but it's time to learn to live by faith, believing that what is visible came into existence of the invisible, as we see in II Cor 5:7 "For we walk by faith not by sight
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