Thursday, December 31, 2015

His Guiding Hand

A new year is upon us. We tend to look upon each new year as a chance at new beginnings. We promise ourselves we will do some things which will improve the quality of our lives. We also promise to try to improve the lives of those around us. As this year ended, I found myself looking back upon the year that sped too quickly by. In doing so I realized that I grew considerably as a Christian this year. I served in ways that I could not have imagined serving a few years ago. As I reflected on these things, I recalled some of the events that led up to them. There was the...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Call Me Wilson

The Lord has surprised me many times and in many ways this year. The season of Advent was to be no exception. A few weeks ago I was asked to participate in our Christmas program. I normally work with adults so when I was offered this chance to work with our young people, I jumped at the opportunity. The days leading up to Christmas tend to get busy enough. Participating in the Christmas program meant I was going to get even busier. There would be lines to learn and rehearsals to attend. Working alongside our young people would be worth the extra effort. I was asked...

Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Time to Draw Closer

Terrible things are happening around the world. One only has to turn on the news for proof. There is really nothing “new” about this. Terrible things have been happening throughout all of human history. In reality, each of the terrible things that happen is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem. Humanity, as a whole, has lost touch with God. How did this happen? It stands to reason that one side of this equation had to move for there to be more distance. God did not move. God is eternal and constant. Therefore it must be humanity that has moved away from God. The...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
