Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gone Too Soon

I have experienced several deaths this year. Most of these have occurred within my church family. Losing someone is never easy, but two of these were especially difficult because they were young. Both died in accidents. The first was a young lady of 19 who attended my church. As such, I knew her for a very long time and watched her grow up within the church. She was an absolute joy to be around. She made sharing the love of God look natural and effortless. This is as it should be, so she was one up on many of us, The second was a young man of 21. I only knew him...

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Keeping Busy-ness in Perspective

It seems these days I just don’t have enough time. True, we did have a holiday this week. But somehow that turns into getting five days’ worth of work done in four. Then things cropped up at home requiring my attention. Next, my physician reminded me it was time for my annual physical. I also have a speaking engagement at the end of the month for which I am still preparing. Also, I am facing another deadline at the end of the year that requires prep work now. Then, there are my other ministries (like this one) that cannot be ignored. I am sure anyone reading this can...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
