Thursday, December 16, 2021

Away From Home

Psalm 119:19 (NET) - I am a resident foreigner in this land. Do not hide your commands from me.In his letter to the Philippians, Paul reminds us that our citizenship is in heaven.Those words have always stuck with me.I was reminded of the truth in them when I read the Psalmist’s words.But the second part of the Psalmist’s words made me think.We each reside in a land and are expected to obey the laws of that land.But, as our citizenship is in heaven, we need to obey its commands as well.As citizens of heaven, we are, in a sense, ambassadors for the time being.We should therefore choose both our...

Thursday, December 2, 2021

No Worries

Psalm 31:15a (NET) - You determine my destiny.As human beings, we tend to worry about our future.But worry accomplishes nothing.No amount of worry can change our future.The Psalmist’s words are words of comfort.But more than that, they remind us why we need never worry about our future.The Psalmist understood that the Lord was his destiny.The Lord is our destiny as well.Jesus understood this and explained this to His disciples.First, He reminded them of the things they tended to worry about.Then, He reminded them of their value to God.In the end, He drove the lesson home.Luke 12:25 (NET) - And...

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Opening Up

1 Samuel 3:9 (NET) - So Eli said to Samuel, “Go back and lie down. When he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’ So Samuel went back and lay down in his place.Samuel heard several calls.Each time he thought it was his master, Eli.Finally, Eli understood that it was the Lord who was calling Samuel.Samuel took Eli’s advice.When he did, he began to develop a personal relationship with the Lord.Hearing is one thing.Listening, really listening, is another.Once Samuel listened, his heart was opened.He was then able to respond to what the Lord was saying.Something similar happened...

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Into the Light

Isaiah 60:19-20 (NET) - The sun will no longer supply light for you by day, nor will the moon’s brightness shine on you; the Lord will be your permanent source of light—the splendor of your God will shine upon you. Your sun will no longer set; your moon will not disappear; the Lord will be your permanent source of light; your time of sorrow will be over.After the summer solstice, the days began to get shorter.At first the change was imperceptible.After all, the decrease was just over two minutes a day.By now, the cumulative change has become more pronounced.And, with the upcoming time change,...

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Does God Still Call?

1 Samuel 3:4 (NET) - The Lord called to Samuel, and he replied, “Here I am!”The Lord called to Samuel several times before Samuel responded to God.Initially, Samuel thought these calls came from Eli.It was Eli that first understood that the Lord was calling Samuel.He instructed Samuel to return and listen for the call once more and respond accordingly.The Lord called Samuel again.1 Samuel 3:10 (NET) - Then the Lord came and stood nearby, calling as he had previously done, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel replied, “Speak, for your servant is listening!”Something similar happened to Paul when he visited...

Thursday, September 30, 2021

We Can Learn

Psalm 119:67 (NET) - Before I was afflicted I used to stray off, but now I keep your instructions.Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible.Its 176 verses speak of the character of God.But this time it was verse sixty-seven that captured my attention.The Psalmist is saying that he used to stray until he was made to suffer.This paints a clear picture of God as the Father.Even human fathers discipline their children when it becomes necessary.A human father disciplines his children when he must, not because he wants to.Similarly, God disciplines us only when He must.Such discipline is for our...

Thursday, September 16, 2021

No Fear

Isaiah 54:14 (NET) - You will be reestablished when I vindicate you. You will not experience oppression; indeed, you will not be afraid. You will not be terrified, for nothing frightening will come near you.Isaiah’s words promise the people security.He speaks of reestablishment and freedom from oppression.But these words of promise also include commands.“You will not be afraid.”“You will not be terrified.”Isaiah wrote these words centuries before the birth of Christ.But today’s world is confusing.In fact, it can even appear frightening.The world reminds us that we live in a pandemic.It reminds...

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Children of the Light

Isaiah 29:15 (NET) - Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are as good as dead, who do their work in secret and boast, “Who sees us? Who knows what we’re doing?”As human beings we often fail to do what we know to be right.In fact, we sometimes intentionally do what we know to be wrong.Perhaps that is because we find it easy to justify our actions.In doing so we deceive ourselves.Most importantly, we attempt to deceive God.Fooling ourselves is easy.Fooling God is impossible.Isaiah’s warning is clear.Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are as good as dead.It is God who sees...

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Is Truth Absolute?

Psalm 119:43 (NET) - Do not completely deprive me of a truthful testimony, for I await your justice.The Psalmist understood the importance of truth.He also understood that truth was of the Lord and truth was absolute.These are concepts with which the world has lost touch.So much so, that truth has become a relative commodity.We even state that what is true for one person may not be true for another.This is dangerous ground on which to stand.Truth must be absolute.Truth that becomes relative ceases to be the truth.Paul understood this.That is why he repeatedly charged Timothy to adhere to the...

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Trust and Victory

Exodus 14:13-14 (NET) - Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.”The heading for this chapter in this translation reads “The Victory at the Red Sea.”I prefer this to other translations that refer to it simply as the crossing of the Red Sea.The last part of verse fourteen states: “The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.”As the Egyptians closed in on God’s people they cried out to Moses.With...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Offering First Choice

Genesis 13:8 (NET) - Abram said to Lot, “Let there be no quarreling between me and you, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are close relatives.Friction developed when Abram traveled with his nephew Lot.Both had an abundance of flocks, herds, and tents.But the land was unable to support them both.The herdsmen of Abram and Lot began quarreling.The only solution was for Abram and Lot to part ways.This could have been a source of contention as well.Fortunately, Abram knew just how to cope with the situation.Abram spoke with Lot.He said that quarrels should be set aside.He told Lot...

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Faithful to the End

Isaiah 53:1 (NET) - Who would have believed what we just heard? When was the Lord’s power revealed through him?Isaiah begins this chapter by posing two questions?He then answers these questions in a prophecy that would be fulfilled by Jesus.This prophecy would be fulfilled centuries later.Isaiah describes the pain, rejection and suffering Jesus would endure.He also explains why Jesus had to endure it all.Isaiah describes man’s rebellious and sinful nature.He also clearly describes how Christ would endure this without protest.He even describes His association with criminals and burial in a borrowed...

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Love, Mercy, and Grace

Zechariah 3:4 (NET) - The angel spoke up to those standing all around, “Remove his filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have freely forgiven your iniquity and will dress you in fine clothing.” Zechariah is considered one of the minor prophets. This term can be misinterpreted. It does not refer to the importance of the prophet but rather the brevity of his book. Zechariah’s importance must not be overlooked. He clearly and frequently prophesied about the Messiah. The opening verse is from the fourth vision experienced by the prophet. In this vision, Zechariah describes the complete...

Thursday, June 3, 2021

First and Foremost

1 Samuel 7:3 (NET) - Samuel said to all the people of Israel, “If you are really turning to the Lord with all your hearts, remove from among you the foreign gods and the images of Ashtoreth. Give your hearts to the Lord and serve only him. Then he will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” There was conflict between the people of Israel and the Philistines. The people turned to the Lord for help. Samuel reminded them that they first had to remove all foreign gods and images. The people listened to Samuel and did so. One day, the Philistines approached for battle. Because the people...

Thursday, May 20, 2021


Genesis 39:23 (NET) - The warden did not concern himself with anything that was in Joseph’s care because the Lord was with him and whatever he was doing the Lord was making successful. Many things occurred during Joseph’s lifetime. Some could be considered major setbacks. Others could be considered major successes. Through the ups and downs one thing was perfectly clear. Joseph understood that God was at work in both. Others more easily perceived God’s hand in the successes. After being sold into slavery, the 39th chapter of Genesis finds Joseph working for Potiphar. Joseph found success...

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Follow Me

2 Samuel 22:19-20 (NET) - They confronted me in my day of calamity, but the Lord helped me. He brought me out into a wide open place; he delivered me because he was pleased with me. The book of 2 Samuel discusses David’s reign. This verse is from a song David sang to the Lord. It is a song about how God rescued him from his enemies. God did so when David called out to Him. Like David, we often call out to the Lord in times of trouble. Like David, we know the Lord will see us through the tough times. What happens when the roles are reversed? What happens when the Lord calls out to us? How...

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Joy and Loyalty

Psalm 5:11 (NET) - But may all who take shelter in you be happy. May they continually shout for joy. Shelter them so that those who are loyal to you may rejoice. The Psalmist mentions elation three times in this verse. He does this in various ways. He uses the words “happy”, “joy” and “rejoice”. There are however requirements for true elation. First, we should take shelter in the Lord. We should also remain loyal to Him. Those who followed Jesus understood this as well. Paul and Barnabas were moved by the Holy Spirit to preach at Pisidian Antioch. On the Sabbath, they went into the synagogue. The...

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Expressions of Love

Matthew 3:16-17 (NET) - After Jesus was baptized, just as he was coming up out of the water, the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my one dear Son; in him I take great delight.”When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, God expressed His love for His Son.God loved His Son, but it was not just for this singular act of baptism.God loved His Son for who He was,God also loved His Son for what He came into the world to do and how He would go about it.Jesus did everything God expected of Him.That included...

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Exodus 33:18 (NET) - And Moses said, “Show me your glory.”Moses wanted to see God. But God warned Moses that no one could see His face and live. So, God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock and covered him. Moses did not see God’s face. Instead, God allowed him just a glimpse as He passed by. Moses was not the only one who wished to see God. The followers of Jesus also wanted to see Him. This was especially true of Philip. Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father. The response Philip received was not what he expected. John 14:8-9 (NET) - Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will...

Thursday, March 4, 2021

True Repentance

Judges 10:15 (NET) - But the Israelites said to the Lord, “We have sinned. You do to us as you see fit, but deliver us today!”It has been said that confession is good for the soul. But it is more than that. Repentance is scriptural. It is important that we confess to God the ways in which we have fallen short. But if God is omniscient, are we really revealing to Him anything new? Doesn’t God know the ways in which we have fallen short? Certainly, He does! So why repent? First, we admit to ourselves that we have sinned. We are no longer able to rationalize or justify our actions and words. Second,...

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Idol Minds

Jeremiah 16:20 (NET) - Can people make their own gods? No, what they make are not gods at all. What is idolatry? Simply put, anything or anyone we place above God is an idol. God both expects and demands to be first in our lives. This is as it should be especially when we consider what God does for us. First, God creates. Everything that comes into being is created by God. In fact, each of us owes our very existence to God. Next, God redeems. Redemption is something we cannot accomplish on our own. God redeems us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Then, God makes holy. God makes us better...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our Journey

2 Peter 1:5-7 (NET) - For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love.Everyone is facing challenges right now.I receive so many messages stating that these are “difficult times”.As human beings, we both dislike change and want easy answers.We just want the challenge to be over.We want things to be like they were before.2020 reminds us that answers do not come easy.Even the beginning of...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
