Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life's Necessity

             On one occasion a Jew born in Bethlehem began preaching about the Kingdom of God and the select disciples for an important Ministry. Of course you know what I'm talking about Jesus. This man had grown up in a tough environment. Judea was living on the domain of a cruel and tyrannical Empire, the Roman Empire. The social condition was deplorable, aggravated even more by collecting taxes at exorbitant charged by the emperor. The environment was not the most quiet. The Jewish people listened just the "silence" of God. Four hundred years without any kind of prophetic Word. This was the wider context of Jesus ' life.

            Born in the fullness of time, as the Apostle Paul said to the Galatians (see 4.4). Jesus was ready for the beginning of a Ministry that would change the history of mankind. His first large sermon was proclaimed in a lot:

"Seeing Jesus, crowds surged to a bunch and settled. approached him his disciples, and he began to teach them, saying: Blessed are the humble in spirit (…) Happy those who mourn (…) Blessed are the meek (…) Happy those who hunger and thirst for Justice (…) Blessed are the merciful (…) Blessed are the pure in heart (…) Blessed are the peacemakers (…) Happy those who suffer persecution for righteousness ' sake (…) Happy ye (…) Rejoice and rejoice (…) " Mt 5.1-12

             I think some people when they heard this speech simply stood up, made some gesture of disapproval, turned their backs and went away. Others might not have had such education. "Nonsense!" Could have yelled at some more fanatic of the Pharisee crowd. "Crazy!" "Crazy!" Ah, sure many should have thinking. Jesus was in front of a crowd who dreamed and hoped for a Prophet for years. He was preaching to a community that no longer supported the burden of constant abuses and humiliations sponsored by Rome.

                You can understand this? Did you can see hatred and rancor that much of the Jewish population was feeling at that moment? Their children were being humiliated. Their women and daughters flouted and even raped. Whole families suffering serious financial needs. Their faith being corrupted and desecrated every day. Jesus did not preach a sermon expository or themed on a sunny Sunday morning for believers accustomed to your message. His first large sermon was an affront to the eyes of Jewish society fragile.

                The people was no longer accustomed to hear words like peace and passivity, gentleness and mercy, justice and stuff like that as a source for any kind of joy. This sounded like collusion to damn Caesar Empire. The environment was more conducive to riots, heated arguments and conflicts. Everyone was waiting for a speech challenging and haughty. Something that could inflame the hearts and arouse the wrath of the entire people the point of a war.

                In our current society, where many Christian values are known and disseminated, the sermon on the mount is still confusing to the heart of some people, including Christians. We live on the verge of a nervous breakdown. We are increasingly impatient with everything. We want to change things. We ask for Justice, peace and love. We seek to be happy, but we increasingly sad and lonely. It is less than in the contemporary world are finding increasingly depressed people or with some kind of change in mood.

How is your heart? He is prepared to take possession of joy offered by Lord?

                Happiness is not always found in the things that we think is the best. Maybe your happiness is to make someone else happy. Have you thought of this possibility? The Apostle Paul sums up this proposal of happiness produced by Jesus when he says: "I have shown you in everything, working well, it is necessary to provide assistance to the needy, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus: More blessed (greatest happiness) is giving to receive" (acts 20.35).

               You have sought happiness, doesn't? But what are the words that you have saved in the heart? Only in Jesus we can achieve the dreamed joy. He calls us to be truly happy.



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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
