Thursday, May 19, 2016

Acts of Worship

An older friend of mine used to open up the church every Sunday morning. One Sunday morning, he took me under his wing and began to show me all the tasks he performed. Every Sunday morning after that, we would go through these tasks together. Eventually I learned how to do all of them. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he is no longer able to open up the church on Sundays. These tasks now fall to me as he has shown me how to do them. I am grateful because performing these tasks reinforces something I have always believed. Every service performed for the Lord is an...

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mama's Boy

Sunday is Mother’s Day. When I was young the term “Mama’s boy” was considered an insult. If a boy was really intent on getting into a scrap with another boy on the playground then this phrase was almost sure to do it. Frankly, it did not get much better when we grew older. Now there is even a definition for it. Today, “Mama’s boy” is a term for a man who is extremely attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent. In my case, being a “Mama’s boy” was born more out of necessity rather than choice. My father died when he was a young man. Shortly...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
