Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mama's Boy

Sunday is Mother’s Day.

When I was young the term “Mama’s boy” was considered an insult.

If a boy was really intent on getting into a scrap with another boy on the playground then this phrase was almost sure to do it.

Frankly, it did not get much better when we grew older.

Now there is even a definition for it.

Today, “Mama’s boy” is a term for a man who is extremely attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent.

In my case, being a “Mama’s boy” was born more out of necessity rather than choice.

My father died when he was a young man.

Shortly afterward, my mother’s health began to deteriorate.

Having no surviving siblings, it fell to me to make certain her needs were met.

Unlike my father, my mother lived into her advanced years.

As each year passed, she was physically able to less and less so she counted on me more and more.

Mother passed away about a decade ago, but I treasure all those years I was able to spend with her.

The faith she instilled in me as a boy she built on as I became a man.

While I am by no means perfect, I have come quite far.

The ministries I am involved in today would likely have surprised her.

They certainly have surprised me.

Looking back, I realize just how much my relationship with her prepared me for today.

I have no idea what God has in store for me tomorrow.

Whatever His plans are for me, it is likely that the relationship I had with her will play a pivotal role as well.

When I was a boy, she taught me with words.

As I became a man and she needed help just to get through the day, well, that is when she taught me by example.

Those are the lessons I have learned best of all.

When I was young the term “Mama’s boy” was considered an insult.

Today I consider them praise.

One more thing…

As I said, Mother passed away about ten years ago.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about her or miss her.

The love I have for her, however, has not died.

Such is the beauty of faith.

Scripture reminds us how vital it is to honor our parents.

Exodus 20:12 (NET) - Honor your father and your mother, that you may live a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving to you.

I believe that means honoring their memory as well.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, May 13, 2016.
I’ll be back here on Friday, May 20, 2016


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