Thursday, June 30, 2016

Make the Best Choice

I am a Christian therefore I believe Jesus exists. People who are unbelievers do not believe that Jesus currently exists. The most prominent theologian alive today also believes that Jesus exists. Today’s most vocal atheist is of the opinion that Jesus does not currently exist. The bottom line - Jesus exists! His existence does not depend on who chooses to believe in Him and who does not. Let’s look at this from a different angle. For all intents and purposes, today’s world could be divided into two categories. One group would be composed of those who believe in Jesus;...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

An Open Letter to Fathers

Fathers: Some of you know me quite well. Some of you know me socially. Many of you do not know me at all. Regardless of the nature of our relationship, I know that as fathers you are concerned about your children. I appreciate your concern especially in these times. I have no direct experience with the responsibilities that accompany fatherhood. That said I am well aware that all men, including me, have responsibilities where children are concerned. Fathers teach their children with words and by example. I might not teach your children with words, but I hope I can teach...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Looking Out for Children

I don’t make a practice of killing small animals. Occasionally I come across one where I live. When that happens I do my best to capture and release it. When I came across a small snake in my garage not long ago I intended to do just that. I found a box that was big enough for me to capture it. When I got close enough to the snake, I changed my plans. This was not an ordinary and harmless snake. What I faced was a young yet quite venomous water moccasin. I made the decision to kill it. This decision was not made out of personal fear. My concern was for the many...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
