Thursday, June 16, 2016

An Open Letter to Fathers


Some of you know me quite well.

Some of you know me socially.

Many of you do not know me at all.

Regardless of the nature of our relationship, I know that as fathers you are concerned about your children.

I appreciate your concern especially in these times.

I have no direct experience with the responsibilities that accompany fatherhood.

That said I am well aware that all men, including me, have responsibilities where children are concerned.

Fathers teach their children with words and by example.

I might not teach your children with words, but I hope I can teach them by example.

If we attend the same church, there are things your children will see.

They will see me coming out of my Sunday school class.

They will see me at Vacation Bible School serving in some way.

They will see me participating in Christmas programs and attending rehearsals.

They will see me helping out during church in one capacity or another.

There are also some things neither you nor they ever see.

You will never see the hours I spend in committee meetings which help direct the course of their education.

You will never see me when I come in on the occasional Saturday to set up and test equipment for their use in Sunday school.

You will never see the hours of preparation and research that go into my ministries.

Some of you do not attend my church.

In fact, many of you do not know me at all.

My responsibility to your children is equally important.

Whenever I am out in public I know that there is always a chance a child might be observing me.

Your child might notice my behavior or interaction with others.

Having been a child myself, I am well aware that children are not fooled by hypocrisy.

If I should speak or behave inappropriately in a public setting, I could potentially damage valuable lessons you are trying to teach them.

I might not be a father but I am a man.

That is a role I take very seriously.

Although I have no children of my own, scripture reminds me how special all children are to the Lord.

Luke 18:16-17 (NET) - But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”

Because all children are special to Him, they are special to me.

That includes your children.

No matter how well you know me, I want to be the kind of male role model for your children that other men were for me.

As fathers, you are concerned about your children.

That goes with the territory.

I appreciate that concern.

When Father’s Day comes on Sunday your children might give you a gift to express their love for you.

There is nothing I can give you that can equal that.

What I hope I have given you is one less thing to worry about.

I wish you a happy and blessed Father’s Day.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, June 24, 2016.
I’ll be back here on Friday, July 1, 2016


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