Thursday, January 26, 2012

Come Out of Hiding

"O God, thou knowest my foolishness;
and my sins are not hid from thee."
~ Psalm 69:5

So confessed King David. Whenever I have something to repent of, this passage leaps to my mind. I am often appalled at my own behavior, though usually too late, after it's been exposed or I'm afraid that it will be.  Why do I continue in my foolish ways, and to sin, knowing that the Lord is well aware of what I'm doing even if no one else is?

We may hide or fail to confess our sins in order to escape the shame and potential punishment naturally attending them, although God intended those very consequences to discourage bad behavior. Worse, we may hide or avoid confessing our sins so that no one interferes in our wrongdoing and we can continue to have whatever satisfaction it brings ("Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant." Proverbs 9:17).  Nevertheless, by concealing or ignoring our sinful ways we only dig the pit we're in ever deeper, adding to our suffering and the distance between us and God, and making it that much harder to repent, reform, and restore our relationship with Him and with others whom we may have wronged. We forget (because we want to) that "nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be made known and come abroad.” (Luke 8:17)

How much better it is to admit that we have gone astray, to repent with a sincere and contrite heart, and to beg God in all humility for forgiveness!  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). Repentance must be accompanied by a firm resolution not to repeat the sin--praying to God for the strength to follow through on the promise--and by confession and restitution to anyone whom our sins have injured. Only then will we be truly free of guilt and shame, our iniquity having been paid for and washed away by the blood of our Savior.

Sin is like a wound of the soul--and like a wound of the flesh, it can't heal as long as we keep it hidden and festering; it must first be exposed to light and air, and cleansed. If you would be cleansed and healed, come out of hiding. Hold nothing back. Shed the filthy rags of sin and leave them at the Cross--this day, this hour!

Tom Fleming

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Thinking about God and His word, I discover that He never says what He would not do, He never let go of His word. He does not just speak (His character does not just accept or flow with that…) He is God almighty.
Many times we say things because we find it appropriate or convenient, but our God is not like us… His word are measured and calculated. Yes, He is the most high, and the all-powerful but He is careful about His word. Regardless of our feeling and our circumstance, He won’t sweet-talk or flatter us just to make us feel good. For our God says the truth all the time.
Then when you consider that all of us and the world we live in are products of His word. John 1:4 said “The Word gave life to everything that was created…” Meaning that from man to the smallest of ants, to the mighty oceans and hardest rock are product of His word. Furthermore, our eternity is tied to the word (if we believe it and obey) not forgetting that our prosperity in the here and now is not without his word (Job 36:11).
There is no limit to His word. His word is applicable to different situations and circumstances. To heal the sick, to raise the dead, comfort to those who are sad, hope to those who are lost, strength to the weak, direction to the confused, to handle impossible situation, even to express our joy… His word applies.
For the bible says “For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword…” Hebrew 4:12 (MKJV)
If we believe our world is dynamic and we the way we do things changes over time, we should be encouraged that the Word of God is alive and active. Its applicability is not time constrained and its potency is never diminishing. What the word did for Elijah, Abraham, Jacob, Mary, the Apostles etc, it will do for us.
We should live our lives on the Word of God and if at any time we are required to give anything to anybody, wherever, we should not hesitate to give His Word.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Take a Step Back to Take a Step Forward!"

     Am I the "happiest" I can be?  As a "child of God" what am I entitled to?  What inheritance?  Has my life been turning around for the "best?"  What do I need to "Take a Step Back" out of?  Where do I need to "Take a Step Forward" to?  Do I know that there is a life available to me where I will not have a need to look over my shoulder?  Do I realize that God wants me to prosper (flourish) in a life that is beyond my wildest dreams and imaginations?  A life that He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to suffer and die on the cross for!  If God did this for me, and I realize that He did, why would I not want to "Believe!"

     God is not looking for perfection.  He is not looking for ability.  He is only looking for "availability."  At this very moment I speak to God:  "What may I do for you. I believe! I believe!" 

     God bless u Pati for allowing me to blog on the site!  By the grace (unmerited favor) of God, many more blogs to come!

     I would love your comments!  Please follow me on Twitter at @twiddlez1 and or e-mail me at .

     God Bless You All!

     -Jerry E. Truchan

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jesus, Budweiser, & Freedom

Do you ever wonder if Jesus were here today that He, being the King of Jews, would drink the King of Beers? These are the types of questions that plague my day. But deep within the sarcasm, there's a good question. Would Jesus drink beer? What do you think? 

We know Jesus drank wine
We know He made wine
We know He illustrated with wine

Yet, we live in this bazaar reality where legalism has forced our humble protestant reformation to use a breathalyzer. For the orthodox among us, the issue over freedom and drinking isn’t a problem. In fact, most would agree that our Catholic friends are fairly liberal with alcohol. 

So where's the rub? Well, like most issues, (sex) the church doesn't effectively teach on them. Our lack of teaching over the last 50 years has crippled our view on major life issues, causing one generation to label them taboo, and another generation to embrace them without regard. 

The reality is that most Protestants are at a weird crossroad. The fundamental, evangelical Protestants label alcohol as a sin, and that abstinence is the only option. Conversely, the mainstream, non-denomination protestant sees alcohol as a choice and enjoys the freedom to indulge. If you're a Christian and drink - you're a heathen. If you're a Christian and you abstain - you're a prude.

Even Mark Driscoll, the King of Seattle, can't gain traction on this issue. 

The problem is not FREEDOM. Yes, Jesus died for you, and you have liberties in Him. But drinking and freedom are not in the ring together. Drinking and TEACHING are. 

We simply do not teach correctly on this issue. To teach abstinence as a directive is wrong! There is no biblical mandate to support this. Likewise, there's no scripture to support all out permission for consumption. 

Here's what we know: we know that all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial .In other words, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. 

What we need to do, is stop waging a beer war on each other, and focus on teaching. What are we showing the next generation? Division! Should that be our legacy? It's ridiculous and shameful that we've wasted so much time on arguments of futility. 

Do people abuse alcohol? Yes.
Do people abuse each other? Yes.
Do people abuse food? Yes
  -should we do away with all of these? NO!

Your freedom came with a price. Is this really how we want to honor that sacrifice? Arguing? Dying on pathetic hills of legalism? Let’s open the scriptures to our children, and show them that freedom is meant to be kept in check and that life is meant to be enjoyed.

Let’s teach our children about the dangers of alcohol.
Let’s teach them about hereditary tendencies.
Let’s teach them to obey the law?
Let’s teach them not to give in to drunkenness, which leads to debauchery.

Moreover, let’s teach them that we are called to be a people of MODERATION!
 [for the record, you cannot be anti-alcohol, but pro-Golden Corral]

Look, people spend money, have kids, and get married. As a Pastor, I've spent years trying to get people to do all those things the RIGHT way, because when they do, not only are their lives better, but so are the ones they impact. 

Protestants must understand that legalism cannot share the New Testament with the Cross. Likewise, we must also use our freedom to teach, and not just to indulge. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Behind Schedule

Saturday is the day on which I run the bulk of my errands.
I thought I had last Saturday all planned out.
It did not turn out as I planned.
I had many things on my agenda that I wanted to accomplish.
From the outset, every item on my list took far longer than I expected.
Most delays were due to circumstances outside my control.
Early in the afternoon, I decided to eat lunch before returning to my itinerary,
As I was in a hurry to return to my tasks, I decided to grab a quick hamburger and some fries.
I went into a restaurant and placed my order. As I proceeded to the dining area with my food, I recognized someone, sat nearby and greeted them.
This person returned my greeting.
I gave thanks for my meal and upon conclusion this individual started up a conversation with me about a Spiritual matter.
It was not long before this person invited me to sit at the same table to continue the conversation in private.
I was happy to comply, so I picked up my tray and carried it over to the other table and sat down.
As the conversation continued, I realized this individual was at the crossroads of a very important decision and was looking for advice.
I told this person that I understood their predicament and added that I could not make this decision for them, but I would be willing to listen and offer what I could in the way of assistance,
The conversation went back and forth between us for about an hour.
I cited numerous passages of Scripture I thought would be helpful as well as to support my beliefs.
As time went by, I could tell that a decision would soon be forthcoming.
As if on queue, this person thanked me and told me that they knew what their decision would have to be.
I replied that no thanks was necessary. I told this individual that they really had the right answer the whole time.
They just needed a little help in convincing themselves that it was the right answer.
This person left the restaurant with a smile on their face and I immediately became aware of two things.
The first thing of which I became aware was that it was not by accident that I was running behind schedule.
I honestly believe that God wanted me to arrive at the restaurant when I did in order to be there for this person and to help them.
Proverbs 19:21 (NET) - There are many plans in a person’s mind, but it is the counsel of the LORD which will stand.
I also became aware that my food had become quite cold.
That did not matter. A cold hamburger and soggy fries will never taste as good as these did.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hey, YOU!

               There was a man in the Bible that I definitely admire very much. He stood by his faith when he spied the promised land, along with Caleb, he had faith in that God had promised, claiming that truly Canaan was a good land, and that they would prevail against the people who dwelt. But the CALLED of this man was just beginning, God had something much larger for JOSHUA.

               The past many years, Moses, the leader of the Israeli people, dies and leaves behind the possibility of reaching the land. God with all wisdom and knowing Joshua for his courage and faith, appoints-the new leader of the people. Joshua 1: 2-6 "Moses my servant is dead; Arise therefore now passes this Jordan, you and all these people, the land which I give to the children of Israel ... (v. 6) Struggles and has good ãnimo, because thou shalt thou this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers ... "

               God when called him it promised that it would be with him in every moment, instructing and trimming. NOW, if we think, this is what God made us also, He has called us to win, to leave the dark and conquer territories in our lives, just as he did with Joshua. We didn't have to be powerful Kings, for He choose us, He looked us and said: "Hey, YOU, want you to me, I give my plans in your life" *.

               But there are some clarifications that called, which does not always know ...

1°- The called's Initiative comes from God, and not by our great skill.

2°- God does not call unoccupied.

3°- CALLED requires immediate and radical decision.

4°- CALLED implies resigns.

5°- CALLED doesn't make you Holy.

               So my brother, YOU was CHOSEN by the father, to shine, to win,  to make a difference and lead people to it, don't be discouraged ... "Fight and has good animo!", He promises to be with you all the time!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The right Rebuke

A rebuke like so many other things is also a biblical principle, as well as love, forgiveness, faith, righteousness, integrity, holiness. But what I have seen this principle is that over time has been completely distorted. People have used the rebuke as a weapon of offense, assault, rather than help, the next drop even more. They use this to ignore, deduct their frustrations, anger, unfulfilled ambitions
But the rebuke after the heart of God is something far beyond that, is something that is full of love, kindness, that keeps us from feeling the worst person in the world, a failure, that our life is ended by an error, that the hopes is ended. The righteousness of God has its own end, which is to show the right way, our feet take the path of error, the slavery of sin, to give us a life of peace, blessings, victory, prosperity. She has to raise our spiritual level, to make us more holy and filled with the Holy Spirit.

 Every correction in principle is not regarded as something pleasant to our eyes, ears, heart. She stirs in our soul, often generates sadness we are outraged, revolted, however after the "moment of crisis', it is always important to analyze, ponder, why we were reprimanded, repent before God and go on believing that God is the one ever despise a contrite heart, as seen in Psalm 51:17” in My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”
Many times we have rejected, despised, not forgiven for mistakes and sins we commit, but God our Father is always faithful, giving us forgiveness and the chance of resumption, as natural as a father corrects the son he loves, just imagine God created us with a wonderful purpose, He always there to show us what needs to be changed, so we can look even more like Him and all He does is for love, that we may be more accepted, so that we can enjoy more of His presence and His intimacy.
 And finally, let me make this verse for you to record every time it is corrected, "

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. II Co7:10

Monday, January 16, 2012

Church & Sex

Ever sat through the "purity" talk?  I have.
-I wanted to punch myself in the face.

I don't know what's more awkward: having to listen to the talk, or watching the person squirm as they give it?

Who gave you your talk? For me, it was my high school health teacher. He spent about 20 min showing us pictures of STDs, then moved on to the benefits of abstinence, all while trying desperately to not make eye contact.

Needless to say, my experience was lame. Maybe your's was better. But here's what I know: purity "talks" do not work! I stand by that statement too. When did "talking" about anything ever work? I'm almost 30 years old, and to this day, "talking" does very little for me. The church realizes this, or at least it should.

Any given Youth Pastor would tell you that it takes [coming along side] our students, to make a difference. But the irony, is that we spend sooo much time on behavior modification. We tell you week in and week out what NOT to do. Sure we have small groups and adults who connect but when it comes to the "tough stuff," are we really coming along side? I would have to argue... no!

Nationally, 60% of girls in Youth Groups are sexually active. If 60% of girls are sexually active then we know that at least 60% of boys are active too. If you're like me and you remotely care about the next generation... you'd be freaking out right now. 60%!? How??

We're doing everything right.... right? We give our annual purity sermons, hand outs, and retreats. We share the shocking statistics of teen pregnancy and STDs. So what's the problem?

The problem is you cannot modify sexual behavior! You can't scare teenagers out of having sex. You might get a few that way, but more often then not, it wont work.

Here's the solution:

This past year my wife hosted an incredibly effective girls small group. It was called PINC.
It was an opportunity to come along side some girls. With solid curriculum: my wife taught, loved, and showed concern for some young women. She didn't waste time telling them NOT to have sex before marriage. She spent time investing in their success.

If we focused less on modifying behavior and really dug in deep on investing, we could see that 60% drop.
I believe its time we stopped talking about changing the next generation and actually get dirty.

1. Small Groups
2. Love
3. Concern
4. Investment

-This will change the discussion on purity. It will go from being a punch line to a serious part of discipleship.

* Great small group curriculum resource:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prisoners of the Lord

Among the most remarkable and revealing aspects of Holy Scripture is that followers of the Lord are often referred to, or refer to themselves, as "prisoners."  Today this word usually reminds us of someone who is burdened with guilt and shame, confined, despairing, without freedom or hope--a most undesirable way to be.  But speaking through the prophet Zechariah, God tells his people to "[t]urn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope," and that they will then be given victory over their enemies (Zechariah 9:12).  In the New Testament the Apostle Paul repeatedly, and unashamedly, calls himself "a prisoner of Jesus Christ" or "the prisoner of the Lord" (Ephesians 3:1, 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:8; Philemon 1:1). These great servants of God seem to regard "prisonerhood" with the same joy we normally associate with freedom!  How can that be?

To begin with, we are God's "prisoners" in the sense that we are His creation, made in His image, and placed in the midst of His universe to learn of Him and live as His children. We are never out of His sight and cannot escape His presence or His love, even if we want to (Psalm 139:2-10):
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. . . .
Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

Moreover, as Paul pointed out in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, "ye are not your own . . . For ye are bought with a price . . ."  Jesus Christ "bought" our souls with His own blood, so we are His possession by the price paid to redeem us from our sins.

Yet, our "prison" is like none we know in this world. With acknowledging and accepting our dependency on God comes everything we need for our safety and happiness: His Word, His Holy Spirit, and the peace and joy of knowing that we have eternal life with Him, come what may in this world. But we are still free to decline these benefits and try to make our way through this world in the darkness, alone. If we thus deprive ourselves of God's guidance and comfort, and choose instead Satan's world of shadows and despair, are we somehow less than "prisoners"?  Are we somehow more "free"?  Sadly, many think so and choose that path. The believer knows better, and is truly liberated, for he knows the truth, and "the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)  And "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)

It is a joy almost beyond expression to be the Lord's "prisoner of hope"--to be bought out of slavery and led into the light of truth and life! We know who we are, where we are going, and how to get there, and that we having an infinitely loving Creator and Lord to hold our hand and direct our feet every step of the way. If renouncing ourselves and taking His yoke upon us is to be "imprisoned," we are happy and blessed to do it--"for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)

Tom Fleming

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


There is a saying among my people (the Yorubas of South West Nigeria) that “show me your friend, and I will know who you are”.
Friend in this regard refers to the people you walk, talk, spend time with, put your life in their hands, and who share your hope and aspiration. In short, your friends are the people who go with you in the long haul. The emphasis on your friend by my people stem from their understanding that the person(s) you spend time with determines so many things in your life. It determines how you are perceived, what you would do, how far you would go in life and so on.

A look at the scripture, the lives of three out of the many characters, also confirms the above saying.
Firstly, we look at the life of Ruth, (in Ruth 1:4-18) she got to a critical point in her life and had to make a choice on who she was going to go with, she chose to stick with Naomi, and her life changed. It changed so much so that as a Moabite, she came to have an inheritance among God’s people and much more that she became King David’s great-grand mother and an ancestor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus. (Matt 1:5)

Similar to the above is Rahab (a Harlot). When the Isrealites were in the wilderness and spies were sent to Jericho, she helped the spies. Of note is that, she is not the only one whose house is by the wall of the city, but she is the only one that gave a helping hand when these men were in distress (Joshua 2:4-18), and of course only her and her family escaped from Jericho alive (Joshua 6:22-23). Furthermore, she also made it to the lineage of our savior (Matt 1:5).
One of the most tragic stories in the scripture is that of Jonathan, the son of King Saul. He had an opportunity like the two women above to choose who to go with but took a different route and had his life cut short. (1 Sam. 20) Though, he knew what was going to happen in the future (like Rahab knew), and his father had already attempted killing him, but instead of going off with David, he stayed with his father and they perished together. (1 Sam 31:2)

Daily in our lives, we choose who we walk with the same way the above characters did, and from the above, we see that our lives can progress towards God and His best for our lives (like Rahab and Ruth) or it can go downhill as shown in the life of Jonathan.
The big question again is “WHO ARE YOU GOING WITH?”.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The last Chance

Genesis 21:14-19 Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the Desert of Beersheba. When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she[a] began to sob. God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

Some times in our lives we find like Hagar. We find our self in a situation where we took the last drop of water. This water can be our strength, our last option or attempt. Sometimes we face times like that. Times where we did all that we could do or think. Time where we used our last “AS” and now, nothing more to do or think, no more options all that we can do is sit and see what can happen.

Maybe you are facing this situation. You look to your life and think, now have nothing more to do.

BUT I want you remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God see you. God knows you and He listen to your cry, He listen all prayer you do without a word!

God never let you alone or forsaken. He knows all our steps and will guide us in the right way.

While Hagar was crying and head down, her tears doesn’t allow she see that there was a well near them. Dear reader, what is your situation today? Maybe your cry is blocking you to see that there is a spring near you, a spring of joy, happiness, hope and strength, this spring is Jesus.

My pray today is: God, I cry to you in Jesus name that like You did with Hagar, may You do with us today, lift up our eyes to see the spring of help you have to us, because I know You never will forsake us. Amen.
Be blessed and believe, it is not the end.
Jesus Loves you.
Pati Nanni

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Focus on Being Ready

The year 2012 is upon us.

I plan  to celebrate several milestones this year. One of those milestones is this very devotional which happens to be my 100th weekly message since January 2010.

There is another event which will take place this year that has captivated the imaginations of a great many people.

2012 also happens to be the year that the Mayan calendar comes to an end.

Some take this to be a sign of the end of the world.

Some of the television networks I normally count on for "historical" documentaries have begun the new year with a lineup of programming forecasting nothing but gloom and doom for 2012.

Personally, I do not worry about the Mayan calendar running out for a number of reasons which I will not devote any time to in this devotional.

As far as the documentaries I have seen thus far that discuss the end of the world, well I do not put a great deal of stock in them.

They mostly try to capitalize on people’s fear in order to garner bigger ratings and they are largely based on speculation.

Personally, I suspect that there are a great many people that are apprehensive about the end of the world as we know it.

Many of them will even cite scripture, albeit erroneously, in order to lend substance to their fears and the fears of others.

Just last year, a religious leader made the news with his prediction of the day in which the world would end in 2011.

Many of his followers sold all their possessions and awaited the hour.

When the hour came and then went without incident, a supposed miscalculation was to blame.

To be honest, this is not the first time someone has erroneously tried to determine when the end would come and it will certainly not be the last.

The simple truth is that only God knows when this will occur.

Mark 13:32-33 (NET) - But as for the day or hour no one knows it - neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son - except the Father. Watch out! Stay alert! For you do not know when the time will come.

It bothers me when somebody makes a prediction as to the exact date on which the end will come.

I find any such predictions more than a bit presumptuous because the individual making that exact prediction is implying that he has some special insight that even Jesus does not have.

The end could occur this year, or the next or even beyond.

The simple truth is that we as human beings have no way of knowing.

That is why we experience so much fear and apprehension,

After all, it is a natural, human reaction to fear the unknown.

Yet those fears can be put to rest,

The question really should not revolve around when will the end come.

The better question to ask is: If the end were to happen soon, would I be ready?

Exactly how can one be ready?

The very best place to begin is to make absolutely certain that you have put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and then seek to do His will every day.

Jesus was asked what commandment was the most important.

He answered that we were to love God with all our being and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

If we let our days revolve around these things, we will be ready and then the end will take care of itself... whenever it happens to arrive.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Garbage bin

II Corinthians 5:17-"So that if anyone is in Christ, new creature is; the old things have passed away; Behold, everything it's new.

           A new year has arrived, and along with it desires peace, happiness, prosperity, love, good employment, protection, new conquests ...Christian or not, all asking for improvements in this period. The famous new year's Party by itself is exciting, the countdown, the Fireworks, the family reunited makes us want to further a better year ... but the fact that we speak HAPPY NEW YEAR, makes it truly a happy year?!

            Many times we persist in thinking that the change of a number in the calendar, will also promote change in our life. We forget that it is not the way in which we live or the year that will change our fruits and Yes who we really are. How to have a different year if inside us remain the same things?!

           There are many questions, that only we have the answers. But I have seen year after year that the month of December serves more to fix than to celebrate, end of year it is time to throw out the "garbage" that accumulate within us; waste as: disbelief, fear, cowardice, selfishness, jealousy, envy, among many other sins. We must open hand of trash that are hidden within us to achieve new life, which is God's promise.


            New dreams and projects seem to tranship of our heart, and I'm not telling you to not fight for them, on the contrary, such cleaning is essential for our goals in God will flourish so pure and strong. Place inside the trash everything that is hidden, that only you and God knows, and that has prevented the fullness of life abundant. By doing so, give you my word that the plans that God has for your life will implement in a timely manner and wonderful way.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You're the only person in the world can improve their lives

You're the only person in the world can improve their lives" JM

Often we get stuck in our lives, because we can not take out of us strength, courage, determination, perseverance to grow. This happens because the act requires us to grow discipline, endurance, courage, investment and these factors certainly get us out of our comfort zone (our habits, desires, concepts already formed will now have to be redone).And that's not something nice, because we will "step into the unknown" that will bring a certain insegurança.Entretanto, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we can walk with confidence, knowing that He is our teacher who leads us into all truth and gives us the revelation of God's will for our lives ... "but the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said" John 14: 26Our Creator gave us gifts and abilities to bless people and use them in His Kingdom. And we also gave the order for us to exercise these gifts so that they do not give lack of prática.Temos two verses that Paul wrote to Timothy that show this clearly: II Timothy 1:6 For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God is in thee by the imposition of my hands. ITM 4:14,15 And Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with imposition of hands of presbiterian.Think these things, give thyself to them, that thy profiting may appear to all.It is necessary to bear in mind that the more we become able to perform God's call, but we will be "charged" for it is written: "But to whom much is given, much will be charged, and that to whom much is entrusted, much more will ask you "Luke 12:48 b

Our growth is the result of a constant search of God and His will for our lives, knowing that He will enable us at all times, as we see in I Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you in Christ Jesus to his eternal glory, after ye have suffered a while, will himself perfect, establish, strengthen, settle. And in Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to work according to His will.

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
