Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Thinking about God and His word, I discover that He never says what He would not do, He never let go of His word. He does not just speak (His character does not just accept or flow with that…) He is God almighty.
Many times we say things because we find it appropriate or convenient, but our God is not like us… His word are measured and calculated. Yes, He is the most high, and the all-powerful but He is careful about His word. Regardless of our feeling and our circumstance, He won’t sweet-talk or flatter us just to make us feel good. For our God says the truth all the time.
Then when you consider that all of us and the world we live in are products of His word. John 1:4 said “The Word gave life to everything that was created…” Meaning that from man to the smallest of ants, to the mighty oceans and hardest rock are product of His word. Furthermore, our eternity is tied to the word (if we believe it and obey) not forgetting that our prosperity in the here and now is not without his word (Job 36:11).
There is no limit to His word. His word is applicable to different situations and circumstances. To heal the sick, to raise the dead, comfort to those who are sad, hope to those who are lost, strength to the weak, direction to the confused, to handle impossible situation, even to express our joy… His word applies.
For the bible says “For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword…” Hebrew 4:12 (MKJV)
If we believe our world is dynamic and we the way we do things changes over time, we should be encouraged that the Word of God is alive and active. Its applicability is not time constrained and its potency is never diminishing. What the word did for Elijah, Abraham, Jacob, Mary, the Apostles etc, it will do for us.
We should live our lives on the Word of God and if at any time we are required to give anything to anybody, wherever, we should not hesitate to give His Word.


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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
