Tuesday, May 15, 2012

As for ME

"If you decide that it's a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you'd rather serve—and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you're now living. As for me and my family, we'll worship God." (MSG)

     Whether you realize it or not, your family worships at the alter of a god. For most families in America it's the god of money. For some it's the god of time and schedules. 

The fact is there are families in this country who are trying to serve multiple Gods. Take for example those families who attempt to gain the best of both worlds by either coming to church on a Sunday when it's convenient, or choosing sporting events or family trips. 

Here's what I want to know: Can you really serve 2 masters these days?

Increasingly, the sanctity of Sundays is fleeting. No longer do "Christian" moms and dads fight to protect the importance of our day of worship. Families are being raised to believe that Church is an option and that gathering is good when conducive to your schedule. Now, if you're a part of a family that has not sold out to Jesus, then you are free to do as you please. But for the "Christian family," something has to change. This post is for you!

I am beyond sick and tired of seeing parents teach their children that what's most important is everything BUT God. Do you think that for a moment this is healthy and that it pays off in the end? Stop and consider that you are teaching your child. 

The reality is that you are teaching that a casual faith is good enough. Casual faith is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. So, by allowing your family to serve multiple gods you are in a sense damning your kids. I know that sounds harsh, but Christianity is meant to be evangelistic and generational. As the parent you must model Scriptural principles and show your child how important corporate worship and participation in biblical community is. You will be held accountable if you claim to follow Jesus but fail to lead your family. Your children's faith is shaped by you! Take that seriously!

You cannot serve 2 masters, nor should you want to. Now is the time to choose whom you will serve. As the leader or my family, each week we will gather with the body and we will be involved in a small group. The rest of the week is up for grabs. I will raise my children to know that money is evil and time robs us. I proudly declare: As for ME and my house, we will serve the lord!

What about you?


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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
