Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Question: Should  Christians take leadership position by choice or only when called by God?
Answer: Yes they should at every opportunity .
Question: Why?
Answer:        Because we (Christians) cannot afford to be non challant or care less about leadership. If we do, the consequences are dire.
Question: Explain
Answer:        The bible says a mango tree cannot produce orange as a fruit, neither can an orange tree produce  mango as fruit. If we allow people who are not renewed, who are not righteous (not the righteousness of men but that of God) to rule over us, take leadership positions, they will only bear fruit according to their kind. 

The best Unrighteous leader  can only  do the best unrighteous work, lead in the best unrighteous way and produce the best unrighteous result... But for us Christians, even when there is no obvious call to leadership, we will always and only do righteous works, bear righteous fruits and lead in a righteous manner. Permit me to say that God can use anything or any man, hence, an unrighteous man can do some righteous things but won't it be better if we just take the step and appropriate the resources of heaven to better the lives of our fellow men?

Knowing fully well  that we are light of the world, can we imagine how far and wide our light will shine if it shines from the top? I mean at the top of our companies, our municipal councils, town unions, regional/state  governments, local governments and so many more other positions in private and public places.
There are so many other reasons to aspire to leadership positions but this is the much we can accommodate now.

Question: Is there any scriptural basis for your stand?
Answer: Yes. 1Timothy 3:1 says"Faithful is the Word: If anyone reaches out to overseership, he desires a good work." (ModernKJV). what it means is that we can reach out, New Living Translation says "ASPIRE". We can Aspire to become an overseer (a Bishop) of our office, localty, state/region, country etc.

Let us know that if we do not, wicked men would and since deep calls to deep,  evil men will perpetuate themselves and wickedness will abound. Men who would have lived a quiet righteous life will turn to wickedness just so they can survive. This is the tragedy of our days.

It is the story of my country, my state my environment. Look around  you, see if your case is different from mine, if not, it is time to Let our light shine for the world to see... IT IS TIME TO SHINE FROM THE TOP.


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