Wednesday, July 11, 2012


In the book of Joshua 20:1-9, the scripture tells us of the implementation of a special provision made by God through Moses for the Israelites. The Provision is the assignment of some cities as a places of Refuge.

Refuge for individuals who accidentally kill another and are fleeing from the "Avenger" of blood (someone who set out to take revenge for the death for his/her relation/friend etc). The city of refuge is the place of respite for the one who accidentally kill another so that he/she will have a chance to have a shot at justice and not killed in vengeance.

An important point to note is that though God frown at the taking of life of one by another, He recognize that there are times when we have little or no control over the outcome of our actions, and such actions can lead to the death of another party, hence, He makes a way of escape whenever such occurrence arises. 

But where are the cities of Refuge in the 21st century? Do we have a place of respite for people "who have little or no control over their actions and the resulting outcomes which include death and hell"?

I know God cares for us as much as He cares for the Israelites in the passage above, so He must have set certain places as cities of Refuge. The question then is where are they? Firstly, we have to know that the cities of Refuge chosen by the Israelites came because they "diligently hearken to the word of God and they carefully obeyed everything Moses wrote". Could it be that in the different countries of the world, we did not obey the words of God to the extent of assigning our own cities of refuge?

To attempt some answers, I will say that as God made provision then, He made provision for us now but in a somewhat different manner. I can authoritatively say that the cities of Refuge in the 21st century is not a geographical location, rather, God as set you and I that He saved to be the "CITIES OF REFUGE" of our world today.

As noted in Joshua 20:5, the avenger of blood can enter the city of refuge to take vengeance but "THE PEOPLE THERE WILL NOT HANDOVER THE ONE WHO KILLS ACCIDENTALLY". Thus, I can say that the people who stand between the avenger and his target represents the cities of Refuge, and they were the image of who we are today.

Brethren, while Christ was on the cross He made a statement that " father forgive them for they know not what they do" and Stephen said the same. Meaning that every sinner (that got Him nailed on the cross) are like the one who killed accidentally, and for as many of us who have been saved (His royal priesthood, His holy nation… 2Peter 2:9) are to stand so that the one who is set to kill (and destroy) will not have access to the boy or girl, man or woman, who go about in sin… and seeks refuge. No wonder the cities of Refuge are among the inheritance of the Levites (those set apart for God. Joshua 21:1-41).

This lead to a very pertinent issue, when the one who accidentally kills is seeking refuge, will they find us A REFUGE? If our neighbors, siblings, colleagues, clients, customers etc do not see us as cities of Refuge, maybe we have not obeyed Him yet, thus, we should go like the Israelites and assign our lives (in totality) as cities of Refuge. 

Let us never forget that WE ARE THE 21ST CENTURY CITIES OF REFUGE. If we forget and are careless, many innocent will die without a chance. 



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