Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Overcoming our enemies

In our lives, every day, rising giants who want us to stop, give up. There are situations, circumstances, pressures of day-to-day that frighten us, we often take "the ground", which indirectly try to say that we will not succeed, we are losers, defeated. But beside all this, we know we have a faithful and powerful God who is always willing to extend His hand to us and help us. We only need to be alert, vigilant to the tricks that Satan throws at us, standing firm on the Word, praying at all times, in the full armor of God as we see in Ephesians 6:11-18 A good suggestion to overcome our enemies,...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thank God

Psalm 9:1 (NET) - I will thank the LORD with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds! Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day where I live. It has become a day set aside as a reminder that we are to give thanks. Although I am happy to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, I find it just a little ironic as its original purpose has diminished from the original intent. True, we are to be thankful but it goes beyond just being grateful. Anyone, even someone who does not believe in God can be thankful for what he has. Days of Thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states for a long...

Thanks and Giving

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” ~ Psalm 100:4, 5 It's Thanksgiving Day in the United States, so much is being said and written here about thankfulness.  Many people make and share lists of things that they're thankful for--employment, home, health, family, and friends being prominent. But for those more wanting in these and other of life's benefits, feeling of thankfulness...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


What do you think the Lord delight in? Difficult question? Maybe or maybe not… But let us really give it a thought. If we believe that we are God’s image and are in His likeness, then He must have things that melt His heart. After all, we do have such things. Talking about me, certain things melt my heart. The sight of my two lovely nieces always get me, no matter the mood I am in; A satisfied look on the face of someone I just rendered service to; and so on. What about you? You probably have a much more interesting list compared to mine, and it is probably...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Internal alarms

Me and three missionaries a few years ago we had  our responsibility in the car of the leader of our mission. We were on the mission field facing a really difficult time, a land of brave and strong. much we were in a somewhat fragile stage where we felt the weight on his shoulders. One morning to try to relax a little got the car and we went sightseeing in a city park. The green in the park did not hide in the dark place where our souls and the park were. Surrounded by bars, slums and people meeting drinking and fighting. Even...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Anger Management, the Lord's Way

One of the most common--and potentially, most destructive--human emotions is anger. It can be as low-key as the frustration we feel when we can't find some item we need at the moment, or as intense as the rage often prompted by some grievous wrong done to ourselves or to a loved one. When not controlled, anger can cause us to lash out at anything or anyone nearby, even innocent bystanders; to nurse never-ending grudges; or even to embark on a mindless quest for vengeance, with tragic consequences. It's not necessarily wrong to become angry when our persons or rights are violated; anger can serve...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


                                                           Something caught my attention during this week, several people at school, at church and even in my house constantly said: The best of God's coming and the harvest is almost complete. And i was happy to hear this by realizing that they had faith, but after a while I began to think why noone is still reaping the fruits of their seeds. Haggai...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Christian: Lest We Forget

I am thankful for this day of remembrance because we are a people with short term memories. It is good to be reminded year after year of the special breed of men and women who see it as their duty to protect the rights and freedoms of the rest of us. What privileges we enjoy today because of those who chose not to see their lives to be greater than the societies they swore to protect. Could you do it? Could you give up your life for your country or even for an individual? This special breed of people deserve a day to be honoured, where appreciation is shown for those who paid the ultimate...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


 On the above six letter word lie the only major difference between us and other animals. Choice, defined simply as a layman means “the ability to choose” but dictionary defines it as the “act of choosing something”. Also, it means “the power to choose”. Most animals do not have this capacity in a sense, but for us, who possess a mind (whether sane or insane) we make choices every moment.It is choice that gives me an opportunity to write this, it is my choice that make me to actually start writing, choice makes me write at the time am writing and of note is that choice make every other...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time Spent, or Time Invested?

Lately, it seems as though every time I turn around something or someone is making demands on what I consider to be one of my most precious resources. I am not talking about money. I am talking about something far more precious. Time. Reasonably speaking, there is a good chance I can find a way to replace the money I spend provided I spend it responsibly. (Granted, there is always the possibility of circumstances outside my control changing that. That is why I say, "Reasonably speaking…" ) The same, however, is not true with time. Any time I spend, regardless of how responsibly I spend...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
