Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Internal alarms

Me and three missionaries a few years ago we had  our responsibility in the car of the leader of our mission. We were on the mission field facing a really difficult time, a land of brave and strong. much we were in a somewhat fragile stage where we felt the weight on his shoulders.
One morning to try to relax a little got the car and we went sightseeing in a city park. The green in the park did not hide in the dark place where our souls and the park were. Surrounded by bars, slums and people meeting drinking and fighting. Even under these conditions, look around, we parked the car, turn on the alarm, we pray (to try to alleviate the bad feeling) and enter the site. We seek a surplus under the giant trees and beautiful and each one sat down, took his Bible and began to read and enjoy the scenery.
Shortly after we heard something that froze. Our hearts trembled, looked at each other and think, this is our end! The car alarm went off. One of the boys’ team ran with full force to try to reach out and see who was driving the car. We were praying and crying to God. He returned later and said ok just attempted robbery, there was nothing. The car was there. Thank God, we think. We put the car closer to us and try to return to our "relax." Time later the situation has been repeated three times all the same until we discovered that it was not a thief nor dangerous neighborhood. Inside the car had set sunscreens that fell off the window and as the car alarm had motion sensors, sunscreens fall to the alarm sounded!
How often stop to think that the situation in our life is the same. Alarms ring. Debts, fights, arguments, infertility spiritual feelings of guilt. They are alarms and tend to say that the system of government prevents us from enriching the boss locks us to grow the company. Our neighbors are the reason we are as our church is the reason for our lack of faith. People around us all conspire against us. Yes It would be wise to look at the mirror before looking out the window!
Romans 12:2 - 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
We need to do an internal review and understand that sometimes the question is from the inside out. That is why God always uses the words, conversion, change and be born again. John 3:3 - Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.
The society is renewed only God can Redo!
When alarms do touch themselves these questions:
1 - there is unconfessed sin. Psalm 32:3-5  When I kept silent, my bones wasted away... “I will confess  my transgressions to the LORD.”And you forgave the guilt of my sin
2 - Conflict unresolved. Matthew 5:23-24 - 

3 - Concerns are a lack of faith. 1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - in German the word worry means to strangle.
Listen and respond to alarms running the presence of God.


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