Wednesday, November 16, 2011


                Something caught my attention during this week, several people at school, at church and even in my house constantly said: The best of God's coming and the harvest is almost complete. And i was happy to hear this by realizing that they had faith, but after a while I began to think why noone is still reaping the fruits of their seeds.

Haggai 1:6-10
"... You have sown much and bring in little, eaten but do not have enough ... Why? Because of mine house that is deserted and every one of you run your own home"

            Once we become of our ways and accept Jesus Christ as our only Savior, we had in our minds that we would miss nothing; our provision, our feelings and everything would be kept by Jesus ... and we have seen the fulfillment of His Word faithfully. Now you ask, then why not have picked fully what God has promised me?
            When we surrender to Jesus, we made a covenant with Him; covenant faithfulness, humility and loyalty, as is done in a marriage, committing us to be steadfast in joy and in sorrow, in times of crisis and in times of plenty. But we don't always honor his covenant, over time, we think that we need not be so extreme, and that God will be with us even when we are not with him.
              The people of Israel will always be a reference of infidelity, because if there was a little more sunshine in the desert, they turned to other gods and forgot the Father's house, taking care of their own homes and their interests, and breaking the covenant made, thinking that all was well. The book of Haggai talk about  the reconstruction of time and how God's people was disinterested around that time.
               As a farmer who plant and spends a long time waiting for the harvest so are we, but we often have on planted land wrong, outside the presence of God, we have consumed our time at work, at school, at home, and we have forgotten that God have stay in front to guide us. 
               Our sweat and our effort, our tears will not change our actions (seeds)that are not being deposited on the ground of God's will. So if you are not harvesting...

                                 STOP AND THINK!
What land has deposited its seeds? It's been really faithful to the covenant made with God?



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Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
