Wednesday, November 23, 2011


What do you think the Lord delight in?

Difficult question? Maybe or maybe not… But let us really give it a thought.

If we believe that we are God’s image and are in His likeness, then He must have things that melt His heart. After all, we do have such things.

Talking about me, certain things melt my heart. The sight of my two lovely nieces always get me, no matter the mood I am in; A satisfied look on the face of someone I just rendered service to; and so on.

What about you? You probably have a much more interesting list compared to mine, and it is probably longer and more diverse… But the question is not about us but God. What does He delight in?

My devotion took me to Psalms where I saw an interesting verse- Psalm 147:11
      “… the Lord’s delight is in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love”.(NLT)

This stopped me for a long time and I had to look again. This is because it would have been more conventional if God’s delight is in those very righteous, very prayerful, strong Christians, exploit-making ministers, those who fast 24/7 and the likes. Not that Christian exhibiting the above are bad but I was surprised the scripture made no mention of these in the Lord’s delight-after all, these are the statistics we use to determine a “Good Christian”.

However, God’s delight is in those who fear Him and those who put their hope in His unfailing love. Put in a simpler English (my English) “God delights in those who live in reverence of Him, those who depend on Him”.

The Contemporary English version (CEV) says “the lord is pleased only with those who worship Him and trust His love”

The Good News Bible (GNB) says” but He takes pleasure in those who honour Him, those who trust in His constant love”.

So, it means that He (God) values greatly any man that considers Him in the actions he takes- to worship Him and Honor Him-a heart that live in perpetual dependence on Him.

Whether, he is strong or weak, rich or poor, in the open or secret… a heart that sees its inadequacies and cling to God perpetually.

A heart that though can live independently of God, but choose to pursue God (His will and desires), A heart that desperately seek God... He, God, cannot resist this… it gives Him great pleasure.



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